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•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"Why did you take so long?" My mom asked me as I sat down on the table with her and my dad. "We forgot what time it was. Sorry." I say serving myself with food.

"It's okay. After all, you're just a teenager having fun during summer." Dad says giving me a smile.

"Yeah...I was wondering if I could go to The Walton's after dinner to hang out a bit?" I ask. "Uhmmm..." my mom hesitates. "Sure honey." My dad says. "Thank you!" I exclaim excited.

"Yeah, sure." My mom smiles. "What wrong, Angelina Johnson?" I ask. "It's just...we never hang out anymore, just the three of us. You're always hanging out with the Walton's and all." She says.

"Awww, someone's jealous." My dad jokes wrapping his arm around mom and kissing her cheek. "Oh shut up. You know I'm right. Our daughter doesn't like us no more." She says and I laugh.

"That's not true." I say. "Yes it is." Mom says. I giggle and get up, going to hug her. I wrap my arms around her and give her a big bear hug.

"Mom, I promise that tomorrow I will spend the whole day with you, and the we can watch a movie at night with a lot of popcorn and junk food!" I exclaim.

"Okay then, you can go to the Walton's." She quickly says smiling, making me and dad laugh. "Can I be part of this slumber party?" He asks. "Of course, honey." Mom says giving him a little peck on the lips. "Ew, not at the table, please." I joke.

"Shut up and eat." Dad says finishing his food. How do Aleut's finish their food always so fast? Honestly.

I calmly finished eating, with no rush, and helped my mother with the dishes. Then, I went upstairs, grabbed a nice sweater and went over to the Walton's.

"See you later, mom and dad." I say opening the front door and leaving. It was really dark but their house is really close so it's fine. I putted my headphones on and walked over to their house.

I felt a strange feeling, as if I was being followed, which made me walk faster.

I hate the dark so muchhh.

At some point, I was fucking running. "Yo!" I heard someone scream from far away,making me almost piss my pants.

"Then I realised it was some of Jaden's friends. "What the fuck?" I mutter. They finally approached me since we were all at the Walton's porch. "Harper, right?" A boy asks.

"Yup." I answer, still trying to catch my breath. He had a blonde girl behind him, who was aggressively chewing gum and scrolling through her phone with a bothered look.

"Sorry to ask but, what are you doing here exactly?" I ask him. "Oh, Jaden invited the team to play some games in his new PlayStation." He answers smiling.

"Oh, makes sense." I say with a sweet smile. "How do you know my name?" I ask as soon as I figure out that he was not going to say anything. "Everybody in the team knows your name. Jaden talks about you, a lot." He chuckles and I feel my cheeks go red.

I let out a nervous laugh and finally decide to knock. After a few seconds of only listening to the annoying blonde chewing gum, Jaden opened the door. "Hey Harps, hey Luca." He says.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now