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"And I was like "I'm not mexican, dude". It was so funny." One of Zack's dumb friend jokes. It was not even funny but everybody started laughing like it was the funniest joke ever. "You're so funny bro." Zack said with his arm wrap around me.

I so want to leave.

"Hey, I'm going to the bathroom, yeah?" I lie to Zack, just to escape these boring people for a second. "Yeah babe, it's upstairs, the second door on the left." He answers and I nod with a smile.

I get up and quickly leave the living room. I was going upstairs when someone bumped into me. "Hey, watch out- Harps?" I look up to see Javon. "What?" I let out. I quickly grab his arm and enter the bathroom.

"Nice to see you too." He jokes resting on the counter. "What are you doing here?" I ask him sitting on the floor. "Zack invited me." I quickly answers. "This is the most boring thing ever." I say and Javon chuckles. "Let's just leave then. I'm starving and these hoes don't know how to cook. You really did pick the wrong guy." Javon says laughing.

He grabs my hands and helps me up. Once I open the door, someone I wish I didn't know was ready to knock. "Harper?" Jeremiah lets out. "Yeah, no time for this. Bye." I say grabbing Javon and going downstairs.

"Aren't you saying goodbye to your little boyfriend?" Javon teases, looking over at Zack. "I'll text him later." I mutter leaving the house. "Tell me you brought the car." I turn to look at Jay. "Yes ma'am." He says grabbing the key to his car. "Let's go." He says as I follow him to his car.


We stopped at this really pretty restaurant-bar that was close to the beach. We sat down and quickly ordered. "You haven't told me one thing, Harper." Javon says after five minutes of us talking about random ass shit. "What?" I ask. "Why don't you just ate Jaden already?" He answers with another question. I didn't answer.

"I don't know." I finally answer. "Oh c'mon. There needs to be a reason." Javon says taking a sip from his cold lemonade. "Nop. I don't know." I say again. "Then you know what that means. Nothing is stopping you two. And everyone sees the way ya'll look at each other. It's like life goals." Javon says making him chuckle.

"You know what's gonna happen if you just fight back and forth?" He asks. "Tell me, Javon." I answer. "He will loose feeling. He will get tired of chasing you. And then, when you feel ready, someone else already took your place. There's not turning back." He says.

Damn. He's right.

"What do I do, Javon?" I mutter. "Apologize. And kiss him, of course." He smiles. "You are so smart." I say. "Well, I know-" "Yo, is that your brother?!" We hear a boy scream, interrupting Javon.

Javon and I both try to find the owner of the face and we end up finding someone I didn't want to. Jaden and his friends.

But this time it was different. Jaden was having the time of his life talking to a girl. No, wait. Flirting with a girl.

"Someone else already took your place..."

Fuck. Why is Javon always fucking right?

"Oh, hey guys! Join us!" Another one of his friends exclaims and we both smile at them. "fuck." I mutter. "I don't know that girl." Javon says looking back at me. "Let's go." I say getting up and grabbing my lemonade. Javon warns the guy who was serving our table that we were moving and then we finally sat with them.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now