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•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"What the fuck?" Jaden asks confused. "Bro... have you ever thought you can't sneeze with your eyes open?" Javon said laying on the floor looking at the ceiling. "Y'all c'mon, this ain't that difficult." I say. "Harper, they ask us about Medieval Ages, literally no one cares about medieval ages." Jaden said, his head hanging from the bed.

"Stop moaning, let's finish this. We are almost done you guys." I whine at them. They both groan loudly and suddenly, Jayla walks in. "Yes, we need you Jayla." Javon said getting up from the floor. "With what?" She asks. "Harper wants to finish this project right now BUT, we could simply leave it for tomorrow and watch a movie right now. Helps us." Jaden said now. "When do you guys need to present it?" Jayla asked.

"Next Monday." I said. "Then c'mon girl! You have lots of time for that. Plus, you get to see our movie room, not that you don't have one as well." Jayla mutters the last part as she grabs me. "Yes Harpy Harps, come with us." Jaden said happily while holding my shoulders.

"Don't call me that, asshole." I say. "Rude." I hear him mutter from behind me.

We entered the room and all sat down on a huge sofa that was in the middle of the room. "Movie suggestions?" Jayla asked us. "Frozen." Javon said. "No, you need to control your obsession with Elsa." Jaden said making Javon roll his eyes. "Don't worry Javon, I think Elsa is cute as well." I say to Javon who tries to high five me but Jaden was in the middle of the two of us.

"What about the new Topgun? I heard it's a great movie and, Tom Cruise still looks insanely hot." I say turning my head to Jayla. "Great idea. I'll put the movie, you and Jaden go get the blankets and snacks." She said. I got up and helped Jaden getting up cuz he was too lazy to do it and we both went looking for snacks and blankets.

He went to the living room and got some blankets and I went to the kitchen and started looking in the cabinets for the snacks. I finally found them in a cabinet that I could hardly open and when I tried to get the things from up there, I couldn't reach them.

I sighed and looked at the door. "jaden!" I screamed. He ran to the kitchen and stopped by the door. "Yeah?" He asked. "I can't reach the fucking snacks." I say and he smiled. He walked to the cabinet and grabbed some things.

Then, he grabbed my waist so he could have more access to some things that were behind the cereal boxes and continued grabbing more stuff from the cabinet. I waited for him to be done and we both left for the movie room.

"What took you guys so long?" Jayla asked. "They were kissing and hugging, mwah, mwah, mwah." Some little boy said entering the room. Jaden grabbed him before he could go any further and putted him on his shoulder, like a bag of potatoes.

"You saw them?" Javon asked interested. "No, I'm just guessing." The sweet boy said again. We all sat down and the little boy sat between me and Jayla. "What's your name? You're very pretty." The boy said quietly as the movie started. "I'm Harper, what about you?" I asked him. "Daelo but you seem cool so you can call me mumps." He said making me giggle. "Okay mumps, let's watch the movie, shall we?" I say and he nodded smiling sweetly.

Javon, try to beat this kid's cuteness. You can't, no one can.

We were like half an hour in the movie and the beach scene and already appeared. Rooster is the hottest men alive and I'm here for it. "I don't know what's the with Tom Cruise or this Rooster guy, I'm definitely hotter." Jaden complained. "Yeah, no." I answer making him roll his eyes.

"Bro I'm one percent straight for this man." Jayla said. "Agreed." I say laughing. Javon and Jaden just look at each other with a weird ass face.

We finished the movie and decided that we should watch the movie 'Enternals' because apparently, everyone was lazy enough to not go to the cinema and watch the movie.

We were one hour into the movie when I left a hand fall on my tight, making me jump slightly. It was Jaden's hand. What. The. Fuck.

I grabbed his hand and moved it from my leg, he only gave me a quick glance and continued to watch the movie. Seconds later, his hand was back to my leg. "What do you want?" I whisper quietly to him, as Daelo was sleeping while holding my arm. "Your tight is warm, my hand is cold. Simple as that." "I ain't your fucking microwave, you have your girlfriend for that." I say taking his hand from my leg aggressively.

He rolled his eyes and I focused on the movie again, I could feel his eyes on me after some seconds. "Bitch, the movie is there." I say looking at him. "Okay, and?" "Well-" I was about to answer him when my phone rang.

"Who is it?" Jayla asked. "My dad, I'll be back in a second." I say getting up and leaving the room.

Call on*

-hey kid, are you abandoning me and your mother already?

-ha,ha,ha, very funny dad. I'll be there in five.

-okay, don't take too long, your mother is making your favourite dish and everything.

-okay, bye dad.

Call off*

I go back in the room and go behind Jayla hugging her. "Who was it?" She asked. "My dad. He wants me home." I tell her. "Okay, do you want Jaden or Javon to take you?" She asked lifting her head. "Babes, I live right next to you." I say laughing. "It doesn't matter, Jaden is taking you. Jaden!" She said his name a bit louder. "Yeah?" He asked turning his head to us. "Take Harper home, please." Jayla said smiling.

"Sure. Let's go Harpy Harps." He said getting up. I rolled my eyes and kissed Javon and Jayla goodbye. "Bye mumps." I say kissing his forehead. He just groaned and muttered a "bye Harper." with his eyes still closed. I smiled at his cuteness and left the room with Jaden. "Bye  JD and Jess." I say hugging them both. "Bye Harper, it was lovely meeting you." Jess said hugging me. "Bye kid, I'll talk to your dad and we'll have a huge barbecue this weekend." JD said smiling.

"I would love that." I answer with a sweet smile. Jaden opens the front door and we both walk out. "So...ketchup or mayo?" Jaden asks nervously. "Wow, thought you would be better with girls." I say laughing. "Why did you move here? Didn't you have your perfect life in California?" He suddenly asked. "My parents were bored and California can be kinda dangerous. Of course they wanted a better place for me so, we moved here." I say simply. He just nodded and listened patiently. "Well, this place ain't very safe as well." He said. "Yeah but my dad is also going to be recording a movie here for a long time so, why not? Plus, you got the change to meet this amazing and beautiful face that you can see every single day." I say smiling.

"Don't flatter yourself, Harper Johnson. You're the lucky one, look at me." He said now fixing his long imaginary hair and throwing a little kiss to the air.

"Yeah right." I say laughing. Of course, after a few seconds that seemed like hour, we were standing on my front porch. "See you tomorrow, yeah?" Jaden asked. "Yeah." I say before getting in. "Goodnight." I say and before he could answer I close the door.

"He's a nice kid isn't he?" Mother said while putting the plates on the table. "Sure, you can say that." I say while grabbing the cutlery from the kitchen and putting it on the table. "I like him, he's a great kid." Dad said sitting down on the table with us. 

"What are you guys saying?" I ask taking a sip from my water. "I bet he can be a good boyfriend." My dad muttered making me hit his bald head. "Ouch!" He said. "C'mon, you're The Rock. That totally didn't hurt." "Anyways, he seems like a good and sweet boy. And you guys look good together." My mother said taking a bit of salad from the bowl. "Ew,no, never. He has a girlfriend and everything. And he looks like a good kid in front of you guys because he's being polite." I say.

"Okay, you do you." My dad says finishing the subject.


Word count: 1489



okay but who loves the daughter-father friendship? I do.


The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now