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•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

And the trophy for who ruined the night goes to...Harper Johnson! Everybody give her a big welcoming to the stage!

Fuck you, seriously.

I was sitting on the dinner table, hearing my parents yell at me. "You knew it and you didn't tell us?! You could've died Harper!" My mom screams passing her hand through her hair.

"I was gonna tell you guys!" I defend myself. "You should've told us before we accepted the dinner invite." My dad says, giving me one of his disappointment looks.

"How was this my fault?! I know I didn't tell you but, I didn't want to start a fight between the families! I was okay without you guys knowing and I don't even care!" I exclaim getting up and speed-walking to my room.

•᪥𝑱𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"Are you guys crazy?! Harper got insanely hurt because of you!" Mom screamed at three of us who just looked down with embarrassment. "Mom, I know we hurt her but it was mainly her fault, she was the one who started all this." "By doing what? Lying to you about the tiniest thing ever? I didn't raise you like this, Jayla." My mom says with a strict tone.

"You will apologize to her tomorrow." Dad steps in the conversations and Jayla rolls her eyes. "I already did dad, she doesn't accept it." She says with a sad voice.

"Well, then try again. Buy her a house, a car, I don't care. You will apologize to her until she finally takes it, what you did makes me sick to my stomach." Mom says leaving the room. "You heard your mother." Dad concludes leaving to see how mom is.

"Damn, mom and dad were never this serious about something." Javon says. "yeah, but they're right. We need to apologize, not just Jayla." I say. "No. You and Jayla, need to apologize, I'm perfectly safe and sound." Javon says with a small annoying smirk on his face. "No dumbass, we need to apologize to Harper. You are also in this mess." I say making his smirk quickly drop. "Whatever. I'm going to bed, wake me up when you guys decide to apologize to her.

Javon gets up and gets ready to leave to his room, until Jayla speaks up. "No need to go to your room, we're going now." She says never taking her eyes from the looking down. "Hah, and you think her parents will let us in? First, it's too late and second, they probably hate our family now." Javon says making me agree with him. "We're sneaking in Harper's house." She says making me and Javon look at her in shock.

"Are you crazy? They totally have alarms in the house." I say. "And you think I'm dumb enough to allow us to get in using the front door? We only need to talk to Harper so we go through her window." Jayla explains. "ohh, okay. Makes sense. Wait, what?" Javon says sitting down again.

"Basically, we do it like they do it in the movies. We grab small rocks and try to hit her window to bring her attention. Then, we beg for her to open the window so we can get in. And then boom, we climb up." Jayla says confidently. "You know her house it's not easy to climb right?" I tell her. "Doesn't matter, we'll find a way. We always do." She reassures me.

"Okay then, let's go." Javon says. "Like now?" I ask. "When do you wanna go? Christmas?" He jokes and I roll my eyes. We all get up and go put our shoes on, quietly opening the door and closing it on our way out.

We walked a bit and went to Harper's side of the house. The led lights of her room were on and you could see her, vibing to some music. "OKay, throw small rocks, boys." Jaylas says grabbing some rocks for herself. "Okay." I mutter bending down to grab some. We all started repeatedly throwing rocks at Harper's bedroom window but the music was too loud in her room, she couldn't hear it. "Continue." Jayla says as she realizes that Harper wasn't even moving.

Then, Javon gave up and threw a bigger rock. Surprisingly, it didn't break the glass but in the room. Harper jumped and widened her eyes.

That made me laugh.

She turned to music off and got closer to the window, looking around to see what hit her window. Then, she spotted me. We made eye contact for a few seconds until she rolled her eyes and opened the window. "What the hell are you guys doing here?!" She scream-whispers. "We came to talk to you, of course." Javon says with a 'duh' voice. "We can talk tomorrow." She says back with the same tone as Javon."

"Harper, please." Jayla begs. Harper stays looking at us three for a few seconds and sighs, closing the window and leaving us there. "Well, we tried. Goodnight." Javon says and I sigh. We were ready to go home when, a small door close to the garage opened revealing Harper in some black Nike shorts and a oversized shirt.

"C'mon, if my parents find us here, we're all dead." She says and we speed-walk in the garage. We carefully walk upstairs to her room. We all walked in and she closed the door.

I don't think I've ever been here, or have I?

"Talk. You have five minutes." She says with a strict tone. "Harper, we came all here to your house to apologize, one more time. What we all did was completely horrible and we've realized it now. This will be the last time we beg for you're forgiveness and then we'll stop annoying you." I say. "Thank God, I was getting tired of being mad at you." She says and Jayla lets out a happy sigh.

"Please, let us be friends again, we all love you and that's why we reacted like that. We will do whatever you want and we will not do anything like that ever again." Jayla says getting closer to Harper. "And I will never lie to you again Jayla, I missed you so much." She says and hugs Jayla. "Come here, you dumbasses." Harper jokes pushing me and Javon towards her. This felt good.

"You guys wanna go to the beach with me and some friends tomorrow?" She asks. "The super famous kids you met? for sure." Jayla says making Harper laugh.

Well, I don't know if I want to.

When I saw her and that Malachi boy together at the beach, it made me even more pissed. And hurt.

"No you need to go back home before your parents think you died." She says and we agree hugging her goodbye and leaving.


Word count:1151



Yay they're back to being friendsssss


Will Jaden and Malachi be amazin friends or will they hate each other? I don't know, we'll see.

Have funnnnn

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now