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•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"Wake!" I feel a pillow hit my face hard. "Up!" I feel the pillow another fucking time hitting my face.

"What the fuck." I mutter sitting down. "Told you I would win! You can give me my five dollars later." I hear Javon while dropping the pillow that he hit me with. Next Javon were Jaden and Jayla, looking at me.

"Why are you guys such bitches?" I whine rolling and throwing my pillow at them. Hopefully hitting that fucking dwarf named Javon.

"Told you this was a bad idea." Jaden mutters to them. "We needed to wake you up." Jayla speaks up finally.

"What time is it? Nine?" I ask trying to find my phone closing me eyes again.

"It's five am." Javon simply says. "What?!" I instantly sit straight on the bed and open my eyes. "Yup. And if you don't hurry up we will not be able to see the sunrise." Javon explains.

"She's dangerous now, step back." Jaden says quietly, probably for me to not hear.


I give a last look to all of them and finally speak. "You guys are fucking lucky I like sunrises, or all of you would be dead. Starting by you, Wanna." I point at him. "Now get out of my room, I need to get dressed." I say and they all get ready to leave.

"Not you Jayla, cmon." I say and she laughs quietly.

She sat down on the bed— there was only a king size bed so we both slept together— and I got up and sat down close to my luggage.

I grabbed some shorts and a bikini. It might be still five am but the temperature outside is super warm, which is what I like the most in this place. Then I grabbed a sweater cuz you'll never know and left the room.

I didn't need to take a shower if I'm going to wet my hair with the sea water, I'll shower later.

"Let's go?" Javon and Jaden were sitting on the couch in the living room, waiting for us.

"Yeah, yeah. Let's go." I mutter opening the door to our bungalow.

"Shhh! You gotta be quiet, everyone is still sleeping." Javon warns and I roll my eyes. "Sure, dad." I joke.

We got to the beach and took our shoes off, layed the blanket we brought on the sand and sat down all together. I was between Jayla and Jaden and Javon was sitting next to. We waited a few minutes, looking at the moon which was slowly fading.

At some point, you could see some brightness rising from the horizon and then, the sun started peaking. It was perfect. There was a mix of orange and soft pink in the sky. No clouds yet to be found. It was completely gorgeous.

I was simply admiring the view when I felt a warm hand on my leg. I looked to the side, to see Jaden looking at me. We just stayed looking in each other's eyes. After some quick seconds, Jaden looked away. And I did the same.

His hand slowly fell from my thigh and I exhaled. He kept his hand close to me but not enough for me to feel our skin touch.

"It's so hot!" Javon exclaim when the sun was already completely visible. "I'm going to the water." Jayla says standing up and taking her shorts and top. Javon took his shirt and they both ran towards the sea.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now