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•᪥𝑱𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

I'm so hurt. Maybe that's why she was acting so weird during these few weeks. I can't believe it. My thoughts all flew away when someone knocked on my door. "Leave." I say dryly. "Stop
being a pussy, Jaden." I hear a sweet voice say from the other side.

I get up and open the door, sitting down on the bed again. "How do you feel?" Harper asks sitting next to me. "Like shit." I say making her laugh. "I'm sorry." She speaks after some minutes of silence. "No, I'm sorry. I should've listened to you." I say looking at her. "It's okay. You didn't know." She says back giving me a smile. "You don't deserve her anyways ." She says still smiling. "What?" I ask my smile fading.

"No, wait! I said it wrong!" She says embarrassed making me burst out laughing. "I'm sorry! She doesn't deserve you! That's what I meant!" She corrects herself. I could barely breath of so much laughter.

I eventually stopped laugh but a smile still stayed on my face. "Yeah, I agree." I say looking at her. "Ugh, it's gonna be so embarrassing at school Monday." I close my eyes laying down. "If she messes with you I'll punch her, easy." She says making me laugh.

"Yeah, I'll totally need your help with that." I say. "Well, we're gonna watch a movie." "By we who do you mean?" I ask. "Me, Jayla, Javon, Jeremiah and Kylee. And maybe you." She finishes smiling. "Are we watching Disney movies?" I ask her. "We're going for horror movies tonight." She answers. "Okay, count me in then." I say back making us both smile at each other.

We both go downstairs and see everybody discussing about which movie they want to watch. I sit down next to Harper and take one of the buckets of popcorn that was sitting on the table so we could share.

Everything was going amazing, Jayla and Javon finally decided which movie to watch, "The Shinning" and I was next to Harper, who was really funny.

And I thought she was annoying and a bitch, she literally opened my eyes.

Like I said everything was going amazing, until Jeremiah sat on the other side close to Harper, wrapping his arm around her and pulling her to him.

Bro they're in a healthy relationship, let them be.

Yeah, it should be me.

Oh, God. You like her.

Shit. Maybe I do.

"Jaden." I hear Harper call for me. "Uhm?" I ask looking at Harper. "Can we have the popcorns, thanks." Jeremiah says looking at me. "Sure." I say dryly and pass Harper the popcorns.

We don't in bed watching the movie and every time a scary scene would appear, Harper would grab Jeremiah, who would kiss her head and smile.


That should be me bro not gonna lie.

Bro out of nowhere you like her, you're so weird.

If I'm weird, you're weird as well dumbass.

"Oh, my mom just texted me, I gotta go. But see y'all in school." Jeremiah says getting up and kissing Harper. "Bye bro." He says falling me up and giving an awkward 'goodbye' to Jayla, Kylee and Javon.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now