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•᪥𝑱𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

Ava couldn't come to the skatepark but that was fine by me, she's been very weird these past days and I feel like I need some space.

We were all going to the skatepark, and by we I mean, almost the whole baseball team, some of Jayla's friends and of course, Javon and Harper.

Speaking of Harper, she was talking to the best catcher of the team, Jeremiah. Since when do they know each other? They're too close, let me fix that.

"Hey , how's everything going here?" I say going in the middle of both of them, wrapping my arms around their necks. I can see Harper's clearly pissed. "Oh nothing really, we were just trying to get to know each other a bit more." Jeremiah says never taking his eyes from Harper's "Jaden leave them alone and go fucking annoy someone else!" I hear Jayla scream and roll my eyes.

I go back to the rest of the baseball team as we were getting close to the skatepark.

"So Harper, you told me you knew how to skate. I can only believe you when I see it." Jeremiah challenges her and the as soon as the baseball team heard that, they all started cheering for her to go and show what she can do.

I'm interested now.

"That would be a lot of fun but I didn't bring my skateboard, I'm sorry." She apologised smiling. "It's okay, I got you!" One of the guys says taking out a skateboard and giving it to her.

"No excuses anymore Harper." Jeremiah says making her giggle. "Okay then." She says and starts skating. I didn't know shit that she was doing cuz I'm not a professional when it comes to knowing about skate but, she was amazing.

She could do a lot of stuff and I was really shocked. I mean, everybody was. Five minutes pass and she returns to us, making us all cheer. "That was cool." one guy says. "You got a talent, Harps." I say making her laugh.

The rest of the afternoon, we skated, talked and made stupid shit. It was sunset time and we were all gathered in a circle watching the sunset. Some were talking with each other and what really got my eye was Jeremiah and Harper talking. Again. But this time, her head was resting on his shoulder and his hand was wrap around her waist.


•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"So What do you think?" Jeremiah asks. "That would be lovely." I answer making him smile. "Wait, but at what time?" I ask him. "Seven?" He suggests. "Seven it is." I agree. "Guys, we're going home." Jayla says as the twins were both waiting in the car. "Can you take me home?" I ask her and she nods smiling.

I say my goodbyes to Jeremiah and get in the front seat next to Jayla. "So you and Jeremiah, huh?" Jayla asks with a sassy voice. "Nooo." I say covering my face with embarrassment. "Nah, I saw you guys." Javon joins in the convo. "Tell me right now. Everything." Jayla says glancing at the road and then me.

"He might've or might've not invited me to a date this weekend and-" "Oh My God, Oh My God!" Javon and Jayla both exclaim excitedly. "It's not a big deal." "Yeah no, it's definitely a big deal, when's the date exactly?" She asks. "Friday night." I answer back. "Yeah you're coming over Friday after class." Javon says.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now