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•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"What's your zodiac?" I ask Luke.

Luke and I stayed drinking and talking and I was having a lot of fun with him, he's a really nice guy.

I felt like I was already completely wasted, though. I think I drank like six shots of Jack.

"Why do you wanna know?" He asks chuckling and my dumb question.

"Well, to know if we're compatible, dumbass." I answer lowly, tripling on my own words.

"I'm a cancer." He answer, still with a smile on his face. "Shit." I say giggling.

"What?" He asks widening his eyes.

"We are so not compatible." I answer and his smile drops. "What's your zodiac." He asks softly. "Libra. Guess this is a bye then." I say.

I mean, this boy is pretty damn boring as well. And my head hurts like a bitch.

"No, it's okay. Those zodiac shits ain't real." He smiles and I frown. "What did you just say?" I ask trying to look at him. "That doesn't matter, right?" He repeats.

"Yeah. It does matter. You're done." I say and he frowns, probably regretting what he just said. "Wait, I'm joking-"

"Yo, Harps, we gotta go." I hear Jaden call for me.

"What? I was just about to go dance." I answer crossing my arms. "Yeah, no. Your mother called and Javon is completely drunk. Let's go." He says approaching me and Luke.

"I can't walk." I say. "I know you can't. Look at you." He mutters.

"Oop!" I let out once he grabs me bridal style. "Didn't know you were so strong!" I giggle and he rolls his eyes.

I could still see Jayla trying to walk with Javon but they both looked very wasted.

"How come you're not drunk?" I ask Jay. "Boring ass party." He answers with a dry tone. "Damn, didn't need to be so serious about it." I say looking at his eyes. He was trying to avoid eye contact.


"Let's just go home, Harper." He says taking a deep breath.

•᪥𝑱𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"I'm just going home with you because you're cute. Oh shit, wait. What's your zodiac?" She suddenly bursts out dumb shit.

It was cute seeing her like this but at the same time it was super annoying cuz I have no patience right now.

"You smell nice." It's the last thing she blurts out before passing out.

When we finally got to our bungalow, Jayla immediately crashed on the couch and stayed snoring and Javon got in our room and did the same thing. I let Harper down and she slowly walked to her room.

She changed to her pjs, which shocked me a lot, and laid down on her bed.

"Goodnight Harps." I say smiling at her from the door to her room. "Wait." She whispers. "What?" I whisper back. "Lay down with me. Please." She begs.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now