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•᪥𝐇𝐚𝐫𝐩𝐞𝐫'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"Couldn't this wait?" Javon asks, struggling to keep his eyes open.

While me and Jaden were kissing, both or parents showed up and awkwardly interrupted it. Javon and Jayla eventually came out of their rooms.

"Well, we thought you guys were all still awake. I have no idea that you guys went to bed this early, y'all are teenagers." Mom says.

"Yeah, don't teens go to bed at like four a.m?" Dad speaks, sitting down comfortably on the couch. "No." Jayla spits out sternly.

"Okay then. We just wanted to tell you that we're leaving in two days." Dwayne now speaks.

"You could've texted us that." Javon answers, still with his bad mood.

"Why?" I ask ignoring Javon. "Your dad needs to go to his movie premiere." Harper's mom speaks.


"Still could've texted us that." Javon mutters, getting a chuckle from our dad."

"Oh and also, tomorrow we are going somewhere special so ya'll need to sleep tight today" Harper's dad says before they all head out.

"What the fuck." Javon mutters one last time. "I'm not feeling like going to bed again." He continues. "Same." Jayla agrees. Jaden and I didn't really even thought about going to bed since we were doing things far from close to sleeping.

"What should we do?" I ask. "I want candies so bad bro, I could literally kill myself." Javon whines closing his eyes. "I think the grocery shop is still open." Jayla mutters and Javon suddenly sits up straight. "Then what are we still doing here?" He asks putting his shoes on.

"Let's go!" He exclaims happily dragging us three with him.

Javon is lucky he isn't the only one that is craving for some sweets right now or else I would make him go all alone.

Javon exaggerated a bit and took much more things than any of us thought he would. But, once again, we all wanted some sweets and things were not as expensive in the small store.

We were still in the store, trying to figure out if we should take more Reese's or just take bag of M&M's.

"Honestly Reese's are so much better than M&M's." I hear Javon. "Yeah but then we'll be taking to many Reese's." I now hear Jaden argue back. "There are never too many Reese's." Jayla stands on Javon's side.

They're voices were in the distance since I was on the other side of the store, checking the drinks they had.

They really think I'm gonna drink water while eating all that junk?

"What is this?" I mutter to myself grabbing a can of a soda called "Hawaiian sun".

"Uhmm, okay." I mutter grabbing four of the different flavors. Let's try new stuff, am I right?

"Excuse me?" I hear a super familiar voice close to me. "Is it really necessary you take the last pineapple flavor?"

I look up to meet Liam's face. One of his eyes was black and he had cuts all over his face. "What do you want?" I ask. "The last pineapple flavored Hawaiian Sun, I guess?" He smirked, trying to grab it from my grip.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now