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•᪥𝑱𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"How was the premiere?" Javon asked when we all sat at the table together.

The premiere was yesterday and Harper and I both felt a huge headache, for sure.

"Good." She simply answers eating some cereal. "Wow, wasn't expecting such excitement." Jayla jokes.

"I have the biggest headache. Shut up." Harper spits back and Jayla chuckles.

"It was pretty fun. I liked it a lot." I speak and Harper gives me a weak smile. "Good to know." She mutters to me.

We all finished eating and today the boys from baseball decided we should all have lunch together so I just went and got ready for that. Harper also had to go home since she had to shower and study a bit.

"I'll see you later okay? Have fun." She says kissing me. "I'll see you Harps. Love you." I give her a last hug and let her go to her house.

I then hoped in the shower and cleaned myself quickly, putting on some shorts and a loose shirt on after drying myself.

"Mom, Dad, I'll be back at maybe four!" I shout to the living room. "Okay!" Dad simply shouts back. "Do you need money?!" My mom now shouts.

"Nah I'm good, thanks!" I grab my house keys and leave.

Michael was already outside with Noah waiting for me. "Sup dude? Haven't seen you in so long!" Mike smiles.

I get in the passenger seat and greet Mike and Noah back.

"How was hawaii?" Noah asks.

"Very cool, thanks." I say back.

"Yeah, I saw on your girls insta some shit, it looked pretty fun. Lucky ass." Michael says driving off.

"You mean Harper?" I ask. "Yeah, aren't y'all together?" I asks focusing on the road. "Yeah, how did you even know though?" No one told him we were dating, we made it official on the trip.

"It's obvious as hell, since the beginning of summer basically." Now Noah says and I nod.


Once we got there, Jason and my favourites were there. And then there was Jeremiah.

"I thought he gave up?" I ask Jason as we both looked at Jeremiah from the distance.

"He didn't. Even though he should, he's shit at baseball." Jason spits making me chuckle. We all sat down and I tried my best to not chat with Jere.

The food was really good and we spent most of the time just talking about how our summer was going so far. And Jeremiah soon joined the conversation but, I was planning on making it a big deal. After all, he's part of the team.

"So what have you been doing in the summer Jeremiah? No one heard from you this whole time!" One of my mates asks laughing at the end.

"Well, I got a new girlfriend and I guess I just lost track of everything." He answered smiling.

"No way! Who's the lucky girl?" They continue to ask. Specially cuz Jeremiah is known as the 0 bitches type of guy.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now