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•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

I've honestly never been to a premiere before. And it absolutely freaks me out. My parents never really wanted me to go to one of those when I was younger cuz I always preferred to stay home with my babysitter. She was so cool.

Yeah, until she started doing drugs.

She was still super cool.

When we arrived, we could see plenty of cameras flashing. It was disturbing as hell. My parents already knew the drill since it's not the first time they've done this so they left me and Jaden alone with all those people calling us from different sides to take pics.

"Harper, look here!"

"Harper, is that Jaden Walton?!"

"Harper, smile!"

Jaden grabbed me by the waist and brought me closer to him. "Pose and smile, Harps." He whispered flashing a smile to the cameras. I fixed myself and did the same thing as him.

"I'm so gonna ask for those pics later." I joke making him chuckle.

We finally walked in the building and I almost instantly noticed Jenna, Miguel and Mal being interviewed. "Wanna go talk to them?" Jaden asks which surprised me since he doesn't find them very chill.

"Nah, they'll come to us at some point." I answer and he smiles, nodding. ~

We met tons of people, I even met fucking Adam Sandler. Who doesn't love Adam Sandler? He's honestly the kindest and funniest guy ever. We spent about one hour just talking to some people and being interviewed and then moved on to rating some food that they had around. The food was or too good or super shitty. It was very amusing to watch Jaden almost throwing up from eating some carrot and cheese flavored chips.  

"Hey guys!" I hear Jenna's voice from behind me.

"Hey! Oh, you guys look so hot!" I say hugging them all. "Sup'." Jaden shakes Miguel and Malachi's hand and gives Jenna a quick kiss. "Are you guys liking it so far?" She asks. "Yes, everything is great." I answer with a smile, with Jaden close to me.

"Well, the movie is gonna start now, they're calling everybody." Miguel says and me and Jaden walk with them to the theater.

They assigned us some seats and luckily, they decided to put all the teenagers together. My parents were just on the row in front of ours, which was pretty nice in case I wanted to slap my dad's bald had. Jokingg.

Once the movie started, everybody started clapping, and then latter everybody calmed down.

The movie started and in the first scene, my dad already appeared on the big screen. I smiled and got closer to him, hugging him from behind.

"You look amazing there. Can't say the same thing when I see you in person." I joke and he laughs silently. I silently adjust back to my seat and continue watching the movie proudly.

The movie was one hour and a half long, and every minute was super worth it.

Me and Jaden wouldn't stop making comments about the movie and he wouldn't shut up which only made me annoyed but also made me smile. The movie ended and he was already sleeping while holding my hand, his head rested on my shoulder.

"Wake up, dumbass." I whisper shaking my shoulder.

"Uhh, where are we?" He asks looking around with his eyes still slightly closed. "War. Let's go." I joke looking at him with amusement.

I got up and took my hand out for him to hold, which he gladly did. We both walked out of the movie thing and I already felt like going home.

"Hey mom, when are we going home?" I ask her.

"We were thinking of staying a bit more but you and Jaden can call an Uber if you'd like." She suggest and I nod.

I say my goodbyes to dad and tell him how proud I was of him and leave.

When I was close to the entrance, I spotted Jenna and the group.

"Hey guys!" I exclaim when they approach us.

"We were just leaving right now and I just wanted to congratule you all, the movie looks amazing." I say and they smile thanking me.

We all hugged, even though Jaden didn't want to but oh well.

"Bye, Harps. See you around, yeah?" Mal whispers to my ear once he hugs me.

"Sure. Bye!" I say one more time to all of them. I finally turn my whole attention to Jaden and hold his hand.

"I already called the Uber. So you don't have to worry." He calmly tells me. "Thank you love." I smile at him.

I kiss him quickly and we both sit down on the bench waiting for the car.

After some five minutes it finally arrived and we went to Jaden's house.

"I'm so freaking tired." I mutter. "Same." I whispers.

We both walked upstairs and got in Jaden's room. He closed the door and I went straight to his closet, grabbing some shorts and t shirt for me to sleep in.

"Are you sleeping over?" Jaden asks. "Yup." I say throwing some shorts and a shirt for him too.

"I'll be back. Don't miss me too much." I smile walking in the bathroom to change.

After ten minutes I was done and walked out of the bathroom to see jaden laying down on the end waiting for me.

I quickly got under the covers and wrapped my arms around him.

"I love you." He whispers looking deep into my eyes.

"I love you more."


Word count: 935


Sorry for the really REALLY short chapter, and it is also so boring tf😭😭😰



Well, I didn't wanna ruin all the fun but, this fanfic might be coming to an end.


BYE BYE, (don't hate me for this💋) LOVE YOU ALL SO MUCHHHH

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now