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•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

I woke up in someone else's bed. Y'all are probably thinking it belongs to Jaden but no, it's Jayla's.

Calm down you horny bitches.

I stayed laying down facing the ceiling, thinking about everything that happened yesterday.

Yup, Jaden kissed you.

It was so fun we played volleyball and all.

Girl, you deaf? Jaden. Kissed. You.

Oh and the pizzas were fucking amazing.

Bitch. Jaden fucking kissed you!

Jaden kissed me?

Oh My God, Jaden kissed me! Shit, that moment was fucking amazing. He's a great kisser and, he smells nice.

"Good morning sunshine!" Jayla says walking in the room with two Starbucks. "Hi." I grunt sitting up on the bed. "I brought you some of your favourite iced coffee." She says sitting next to me and giving me my Starbucks cup with my name written on it.

"Oh, thank you! Why though?" "So you have energy when you tell me everything about the kiss with Jaden. Yeah...I know babes so, speak up!" She says.

"Your brother is a good kisser, that's all I got to say." I say making her fake vomit. "No, he might be my brother but your my best friend, so please, give me details." She says before taking a sip from her coffee.

"So, you know when I kissed Jeremiah?" I ask her. "Uhum." She nods. "I felt nothing. Literally. But with you're brother, just sitting next to him makes me nervous. And I felt so many butterflies when we kissed, I thought my stomach was going to explode. But in a good way." I explain.

"In a way, that's disgusting. But in another way, that's fucking amazing! I'm so happy for you love!" She exclaims making me smile.

It really was amazing yesterday.

•᪥𝑱𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"Bro , tell me everything." Javon begs. "Sure, just because you're my favourite twin." I give up. "Duh, I'm your only one. But anyways, go ahead." He says sitting closer to me. "We kissed." I say and he drops the stupid smile that he was with.

"Man, fucking details. What did you feel? How was it? Why was it so out of nowhere? You didn't even tell me anything that day. Even though I'm smart enough to know what happened." He hits me with hundreds of questions and I roll my eyes.

"Okay, okay. It was fucking amazing dude. Like, you don't understand. She is such a good kisser. I could kiss her for a whole day and not get tired." I let out making him laugh.

"What? Stop laughing Javon, I will seriously punch you in the face." I say with a strict voice. "I'm sorry, I can't." He lets out between laughs "what's so funny?" I ask. "Bro. You're head over heals for this girl. I've never seen you like this." He says finally stopping.

"Shit. Maybe I am." I mutter making him laugh even more.


The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now