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•᪥𝑱𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

I don't know where I got so much braveness to pull Harper to my lap. But it made the Malala dude mad so I'm happy. And what made me smile was how my touch affected Harper. Her face was completely red and she was completely tensed up.

Damn sure that Malani dude can't do that.

"We're here." As soon as Jenna says that, Miguel opens the door and Harper tries to leave, out I hold her waist back. "What are you doing?" She whispers as everyone leaves the car. "I want to talk to you." I whisper back and she sits next to me. Malaji was the last to leave the car and before he closes the door, he looks at us. "Are you guys coming?" He asks. "Give us a sec, ya'll can start going." I answer giving him a teasing smirk. He scoffs and closes the door, running to catch up with the rest of the group.

"So?" She asks turning her whole body to me.

Stop being such a pussy. Make your move. Kiss her, this is the right time.

Yeah. And she looks amazing. With just her white bikini and some black shorts. Fuck.

"Jaden?" She interrupts my train of thoughts. "Want did you want to talk about?" She asks looking deep into my eyes. I didn't wait one more second. I went right into it.

I grabbed her waist and pushed her towards me, connecting our lips as fast as I could. She didn't hesitate to grab my arm and deepen the kiss. Suddenly, neither of us realized, my hands were both on her waist and she was on top of me, playing with my hair while we both focused on our amazing kiss.

I was really enjoying the kiss, until she pulled away. I frowned. "What?" I asked, my hands resting on her legs. "We need to go, they'll know what we're doing." She says never taking her eyes form mine. "And so what?" I answer making her smile. She gives me a small peck and sits next to me. "Let's go." She says and I grunt. "Okay." I whine following her out of the car.

We both show up together and it was so awkward. They definitely know what happened, we could see it in their faces. "That was quick." Miguel jokes. "You could've at least fixed yourselves a bit." Javon says dapping up Miguel. Malachi (I finally remembered his name) tried to take his eyes from us two, pretending that he wasn't affected by it.

Ha, ha. Suck that.

"Last one to get to the water will have to kiss Tony Lopez!" Jenna screams getting up. "I would to it for free but pride comes first, I guess." Javon mutters getting up and following Jenna. Miguel and Malachi also started running, making a competition more between each other than really with the rest of the group. Harper looked at me and then took her shorts, grabbing Jayla's hand and running with her.

Jaden, Jaden. You're a lucky man.

I took my shirt and ran to catch up with Harper.

The cold water hit me and a wave of pleasure washed through me when I dived. There were no waves today so it was great to relax and talk to each other.

We stayed chilling in the water and basically playing with each other until our lips were blue. The water was that good.

We all went to the sand and laid on our towels. Mal was playing volleyball with Miguel and Javon was laying next to me, Harper was on my other side, Jayla and Jenna chatting right next to her.

Harper and I were laying down with our backs to the sun, facing each other. "Hey." She whispers making me chuckle. "Hi." I whisper back. "Why did you kiss me?" She asks. "Why wouldn't I?" I ask back.

"It was just...so out of nowhere." She explains. "Sure, you could say that." I say, agreeing with her. "No, for real. Why did you kiss me?" She asks again. "Why would you normally kiss someone, Harper?" I ask rolling my eyes. "Because you like them?" She hesitates.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now