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•᪥𝑱𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"Chug, chug, chug, chug!" I could hear people screaming for Harper while she downed her can of beer. I was okay with that was pissed me off was the dude who was getting a bit too close to her. Fucks sake.

"Yeah!" That boy shouted before wrapping Harps in his arms. She smiled at him, ignoring my while existence.

I've been also trying to forget she's in this party by chatting with plenty of random, gorgeous girls. But there's just one problem.

They're not Harper.

I still haven't gotten the time to make myself clear with our situation but by the time we get home, I will. It's not like she's gonna go sleep at this boys' house anyways. She knows him for hours.

"Hey Jadey boy." Javon sat next to me, wrapping his arm around my shoulder. "Are you drunk or just being your real self?" I ask him never taking my eyes form Harper and the dumb guy.

"Just being the king I am every single day. How's everything going?" He asks and I don't answer. "Uhm. Guess you've already noticed Harper's date for the night, huh?" He asks. "Damn sure I have." I say taking a sip from my drink.

"Just pull her aside and talk to her. It's not difficult." Javon says. "Yeah. It's no difficult for you. You're not the one who messed up." I roll my eyes.

"Just try it. If you're thinking about doing it at home, which I know you are, it's gonna be too late at that time. That Zacky boy will have Harper around his arm by the end of the night. Find your balls and hurry up, big boy!" He jokes getting up and leaving me alone again.

I stay there thinking for a second. Then I sigh and put my cup down, standing up and going to Harper.

I really was going to start with a "let's talk." but that never works anymore so imma just do it the hard way.

When I was closer enough to her, I grabbed her arm and tried taking her upstairs with me.

"Get off!" She exclaims, taking my hand from her arm. "Yo, what's your problem?" Zacky boy asks joining me and Harper. "I just need to solve something with her. None of your concerns, from what I know." I answer, trying to carefully ask for Harper to come with me.

"She already said, back the fuck off!" He shouts pushing my away. Most of the party was looking at us, whispering and giggling to each other.

"What are you gonna do, huh?" I ask, getting closer to him. "I'll fucking kick you and your buddies out of my fucking house." He stands his ground, giving me the same cold look I gave him moments ago.

"Harper, don't make this even more fucking difficult to me than what it already is. Let's go so we can talk, privately." I say, never taking me eyes from Zack's.

"Fuck off." She answers and Zack smirks. "You heard her. Fuck off." That's it.

I lift my arm and strongly hit him on his cheekbone with my fist, making his head turn with the force. He spits on the floor and slowly turns his face back to me.

"Did you just hit me?" He asks. "Yes, and I will do it again if you don't leave me alone." I say. With that, he punches me back.

I fall to the floor and he jumps on top of me, trying to repeatedly hit me. I used my whole body and turned us, making me be on top of him now. I grabbed the collar of his shirt with my left hand and with the right, I just punched him on the face.

"Stop! Jaden, stop!" Jayla grabbed me and pushed me away from Zack.

"That's it! Get out of my fucking house, you retards!" He exclaims and me and Jayla leave, along with Javon. "Harper! You coming?" Jayla asks. "I'll just get a ride from Jenny! I'm sorry!" She shouts back since the music was too loud.

"Okay! See you later!" Jayla shouts back before we get outside. The music slowly fades as we get in the car.

Jayla got in the driver's seat and I sat next to her, Javon sat behind us but sticked his head between the two front seats.

Jayla grabbed some paper and violently passed shoved it onto me. "Here. Fucking clean your nose." She coldly says, starting the car and leaving.


"Okay! For fucks sake, I literally don't care!" I shout at Jayla. Before we went home, we stopped at Burger King and got some food cuz we were all starving.

We were now parked somewhere eating inside the car. "You know, Harper's not yours. Face it Jaden. She can do whatever she wants and you can't just go around a punch every single guy you see her with." Javon says and I roll my eyes.

"She's not mine yet." I mutter. "Jaden. Javon is right and you know it. You need to calm down." Jayla calmly tells me. "It's so frustrating because Harper doesn't even want to talk to me." I whine. "I know. Just give her time Jaden." Jayla says and I sigh. "Let's just go home." I whisper and she nods, leaving the parking lot since we were all finished eating.

I stayed up until Harper got home. She's probably coming back completely wasted and I want to be here to help her at least get to bed, even if she doesn't want to talk to me. I stayed awake for two hours until I heard the door slowly open.

"Okay. See you tomorrow, Zack." I hear her whisper. "See you darling." I hear Zack's voice whisper to her, before hearing what seemed like a kiss. The door then closed and I could finally see Harper when she stepped in the living room.

"Hey." She whispers. "Are you drunk?" I ask. "Nop. Dad." She rolls her eyes and sits on the other side of the couch. "How was your night?" I ask, my voice low. "Great." She shortly answers. "Zack look like a nice guy." I let out. "What you you want Jaden?" She asks looking at me.

"I didn't kiss Ava. She kissed me. I was talking to her so we could end things officially. I did that for you. So I could be with you, Harper." I say and she looks down. "It's too late Jaden. Nothing even happened between us, it was just a...a summer kiss." She says and I sigh. "It wasn't. Not for me." I say and she looks back at me.

"No. Stop, Jaden." She whispers. "Stop doing what? You're not even letting me explain." I say.

"I literally just want to live my life and you stop me by despising everyone I date." "Well, the last dude you dated was cheating on you." I answer.

"That's not fair." She whispers. "You're not fair." I mutter back.

"Goodnight, Jaden. Don't talk to me anymore, will ya?" She says leaving me alone.

Great fucking job, Jaden.


Word count: 1198


Yeah that's all, got nothing to say.


The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now