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•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"IT'S ABOUT DRIVE, IT'S ABOUT POWER. WE STAY HUNGRY WE DEVOUR." My dad walks in my room with a huge JBL speaker while singing the lyrics to his song. "Dad, stop!" I scream covering my face with my pillow.

"C'MON HARPER IT'S ABOUT DRIVE AND POWER, WAKE UP!" My dad screams leaving the speaker next to my bed and running out the room. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU DWAYNE THE FUCK JOHNSON!" I scream from my room. "Language!" I hear him scream back from downstairs.

If he's going to wake me up like this for the rest of the school year, I'm going to drop out and be a stripper.

I slowly get out of bed and do my things before I could go downstairs. "I didn't help him, he did it on his own." My mother says as soon as I got in the kitchen. "Good morning mum." I say kissing and hugging her. "Good morning crock." I say slapping the back of his head. "Ouch." "That did not hurt you're just being dramatic." I say sitting down in front of him.

"Did you like my playlist? It's for good vibes." Dad asked as I grabbed my toast. "Yeah, I think you should add some more things though." I joke giving him a fake smile. "Anyways, I have to go to the studio so mom is taking you to school." He said taking a sip from his coffee. "No! Dad, c'mon, please. I love your car." I say gluing my hands together as if I was praying.

"Wow, I love you too." My mom says smirking and sitting down next to my dad. "I love you too Harps but I have to go. Plus, you can tell your girly stuff to mom!" He says excitedly after kissing my mom good morning.

"True." I answer. "Let's go then!" I say excitedly. We all leave at the same time but my dad goes to the opposite side of ours. I look at the Walton's house and see that their car wasn't there no more so that means they're already off to school.

"So, you and Jaden, huh?" Mom asks focusing on the road. "Ew, no! Never! Ew! Imagine, no!" I scream making gagging sounds. "Yeah, sure." My mom mutters laughing. "What are you saying, Angelina Jolie Johnson?" I ask. "Well, I see how that boy looks at you. It's not normal." She says, never taking her eyes off the road.

"Yeah, right mom. He has a girlfriend
anyways." I mutter looking outside. "If you say so." My mom says smiling. "What you smiling for?" I ask with a smirk. "We're here!" She exclaims ignoring my question. "Okay, byee!" I say opening the door and leaving, making sure to close it on my way out.

"Fuck." I mutter as I check the time. 08:15. Already five minutes late, and it's Science now and Javon told me he's not the best. I run through the empty hallway until I get to the right classroom. "Good morning, sorry I'm late." I say out of breath. "Good Morning Miss Johnson, care to explain why you're late?" "Uhmm, traffic?" I answer with hesitation.

"You live five minutes away from the school." He says. Stalker much? "Im sorry teacher, but how are you supposed to know?" I ask him. At this point, I could feel the whole class looking at us. "Let's say I'm a big fan of the Johnson's family." He jokes. "Now go sit down, and next time, don't interrupt my class." He continues

"If you wanted an autograph, just needed to ask." I mutter making the Walton twins cover their mouths to contain their laughs. What did you say?" The teacher asks. "Nothing." I answer sitting down next to my friend, Denise.

"He's a real pain in the ass." I whisper to her. "Damn right he is." She whispers back opening her book in the page the teacher just asked us to.

"Hey." I hear Javon whisper in front of me. "What?" I whisper back. "Is everything okay over there?" The teacher asks looking at us. "Yup. He just needs a pencil." I say back smiling. "He could ask for a pencil to his colleague that's sitting right next to him, don't you think?" "Yeah, sorry teacher." Javon now says making the teacher face the board again.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now