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•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

The next day was pretty chill. As soon as I woke up, I walked to the Walton's house.

"I have a huge headache." Javon whined closing his eyes. We were all laying close to the pool, tanning. "The flight home killed me." he continues.

"Yeah, I feel like I'm gonna need at least three days to recover, minimum." Jayla says. "Fuck." Jaden whispers. "You know what helps?" I finally speak up. They all hummed, waiting for me to continue. "Cold water. Let's go to the pool."

I get up and annoy the siblings. Jayla was the first one to move, Javon was complaining about the water being too cold and Jaden didn't talk, he only had his back faced to the sun.

"Let's go!" I exclaim kicking Jaden's ass. "Ow, Okay!" He slowly gets up, trying to focus on the real world. "Help me." I mutter, referring to Javon, who wouldn't even budge.

"I'll buy all the Reese's you want. Or all the ones I can afford." Jaden speaks and Javon jumps up. "Deal." He says making me laugh.

Jayla and Javon decided to go in the pool the grandma way - slowly going down the stairs - while Jaden and I both counted to three a tried to jump at the same time. Which was very fucking difficult since he was always hesitating. "For fuck's sake, just go!" I exclaim.

"Okay, It's now." He says more to himself than to me. We both counted to three and I jumped into the pool. The water was so good, my body instantly cooled down as soon as the water touched it. When I rose up, I realized Jaden was still trying to convince himself to jump in.

"Pussy." I whisper to myself, getting out of the water to meet him outside. "I'm going now." He says, with his feet really close to the edge of the pool.

"Yeah, you are." I say, giving him a hard push on the shoulder. His body unbalanced and he grabbed my waist for support, which only led to us both going into the pool together.

I felt the water hit my skin again and it was as if I felt it all over again for the first time.

"Oh Jesus, it's cold!" He shouts trying to get out of the pool. He quickly pushed himself off the pool and sat on the edge.

"It's not even that bad." I say swimming closer to him. "But it is." He says back with a smile. "Whatever." I mutter.

We spent a few good hours in the pool until it was time to go eat.

"How is your dad's premiere gonna go?" Javon asks when we all sat on the table. "Honestly I don't know. Probably supper boring." I answer.

"Nah, you're gonna have Jenna and that little group." Jayla points out. "Yeah but it don't know them that much." I answer and she nods.

"It think you just need to enjoy it, imagine you meet a lot of new people. Famous people." Jaden says trying to give the positive side of the thing. He is right, thought.

"I still gotta buy a dress for the thing, ughhh." I whine. "I'll go with you, it's gonna be fun." Jayla comforts me and I smile.

"When is the premiere?" Jaden asks. "It starts tomorrow at six pm." I answer. "Well then, we need to go find that dress today!" Jayla exclaims. "Sure, but my mom needs to come with us." I point out. "Yes, yes. Of course. Finish eating and then we can go." Jayla says and I nod.

We finished our plates and cleaned the dishes. Jayla and I got dressed and I texted my mom about the plan. She was figuring something out but she said she would meet us in the mall.

"Where's your mom, Jay?" I ask Jayla, only realizing no one was in the house. "I have no idea. When I woke up, she was already gone." Jayla answers and I nod. "Shall we?" She says getting the car keys. "Yup. We'll be back in a minute!" I shout to the twins which were sitted on the couch. "Yeah, no rush!" Javon shouts back.

We hopped in the car and left.

•᪥𝑱𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

It had passed twenty minutes since the girls left and Javon and I didn't really know what to do. We had already played some FIFA and went to the pool, all in twenty minutes. Very productive if you ask me.

"Damn bro." I mutter. "What?" Javon asks.

We were passing a rugby ball around while talking about random stuff.

"since summer started, we haven't genuinely talked to each other." I point out and he smirks. "Yeah, that's true." He agrees.

"How's everything with you? Like, I don't know, do you like someone or something like that?" I ask him. For this whole time, everybody was more focused on the drama between me and Harper than anything in this world. "Well, I don't know. I don't think so." He answers.

"You sure? I saw those looks you were giving Denise in the last day of school." I smirk. "Oh shit, no. Never! Jayla likes her." Javon points out.

"Oh yeah, I forgot about that." I throw him the ball.

"But do you like her?" I ask him. "I used to. But she rejected me, for Jayla." He answers and I gasp to myself. Damn. "Well, you know what they say, there are plenty of fish around." I say and he smiles. "Not if you live in an aquarium." He says. "Well, thank God you don't live in one." I say back making him laugh.

"Oh, but I'm lovin' you nd Harper. Couple of the year." He passes the conversation to me, which made me smile. "You think so?" I ask. "I think so? I'm sure so."

Thank God.

The girls only came back after three hours, and Harper's mom and our mom walked in the house with the girls. "We're back!" Harper exclaims happily. "Finally." Me and Javon mutter, tired of being here all alone. The moms stayed chatting in the kitchen and we headed to Jayla's room.

"Dress reveal?" Javon asked. "Sure." Harper shortly asks walking in the bathroom with the dress. Minutes later she showed up with it.

God damn.

She was wearing a gorgeous dark blue dress that fitted her amazingly. The dressed hugged her body - specially her breasts- perfectly and there was a cut in form of a V at the end of the dress that revealed her leg. 

"Yes." Javon simply said. She smiled at him and did a little twirl so we could see the whole dress.

"My hair doesn't look that good right now but then I'm gonna do it and I'm gonna put some gold jewelry  and it's gonna look chef kiss." She explains. I was completely mesmerized taking in every single detail.

"It already looks chef kiss." I mutter never taking my eyes from her dress. I finally looked at her, looking deep into her eyes and she smiled at me, blushing.

Everybody in that premiere is going to fall on their knees for her.


Word count: 1207

Very small chapter but THERE WILL BE MOREEEEEE 😝😝😝😝😝

I hope you guys are liking it and aren't finding it super duper boring BUT, it will get more exciting

Spoiler alert: you guys are gonna be shocked with the ending of this book, too bad I ain't gonna reveal shit☺️☺️


The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now