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•᪥𝑱𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"Yeah bro, I'll call you later." I say as Dante leaves my house. He was the last person to go home out of everybody who slept here. Yes, the whole baseball team slept here, even Matthew's sister.

It was so bad, she wanted to stay with us the whole night. Oh and of course, Harper also stayed sleeping in Jayla's room.

God, I wish she stayed with me. I didn't like the way Matthew talked to her, he was too sweet, and flirty.

For. The. Whole. Night.

It was so annoying. The worst part was that Harper didn't mind, she was liking it.

And his sister wouldn't shut the fuck up, it was horrible. Thank God they all left now, only Harper was here. But our parents told us the Johnson's were coming over so we could talk about important matters. Which made us all panic.

Anyways, the kids were all sited at the table, eating breakfast with our pjs still on.

"Well, they don't know about the time we left at midnight, right?" Javon asked, he was fully awake and was trying to go through everything bad we've ever done together.

"We've never done that." I say with a sleepy voice frowning. "Yeah, then I don't know. I've pointed out like twenty things and we've never done those." Javon says.

"Well, what if it's something good?" Harper says. "Yeah, you're right." Jayla agrees and I nod.

"Well, we have like ten percent chance that it really is something good, which I highly doubt." Javon continues. "Uhmm, let's wait then. They're gonna tell us anyways." I say and Harper agrees.

"Harper, your parents are here!" We hear my mom scream. We all look at each other and run towards the living room. "Hey mom. And dad." Harper stands next to me.

"Well, we want to talk to you guys. Sit down." Her dad says making us four sit down as fast as we could.

"We thought about it for a really long time and...we've decided something very important." My dad follows.

"Oh God." Javon mutters. "Ready?" Harper's mother asks.

"Just tell us, please!" We all start begging, hating the tension. The adults laugh and finally stop with the nervousness.

"...we're going to Hawaii!" Jess screams and we all get up, with shocked faces. "You're joking. You gotta be." Harper carefully says.

"Nop, we're going next week." My dad continues.

"Oh, My God!" Jayla screams and Harper starts jumping and hugging Jayla. "No way!" Javon shouts and daps me up.

"All of us are going?" Harper asks. "Yes, the two families only. We're going to a really nice house we rented close to the beach. You guys deserve it." Jess says.

We continued talking to each other super excitedly, planning what we were going to do and take. "Now Harper, you're coming home to pack because we're leaving Monday and it's already Saturday, and you take ages to back." Harper's dad whines. "Shut up. But, yes!" Harper exclaims hugging her dad.

"We'll see you guys later." They say hugging my parents goodbye and leaving.

"You guys also need to pack. Go, go, go!" Mom laughs and we all run upstairs.

I walk in my room and close the door with a smile.

I'm super happy to go on this trip. Not just because I'm going to fucking Hawaii but also, I'm going to fucking Hawaii with Harper. That's amazing. I'm gonna spend the whole time with her and I'm gonna make her mine, finally.

I just need to be careful with her dad, he's scary.

"Hey Jaden, do you know where my swimming shorts are?" Javon asks, barging in my room. "Nop. Probably outside."  I answer grabbing my favourite shirts from my closet.

"Uhmm Kay, thanks." He mutters. "Close the door!" I shout for him to come back and close it. Did he do it? Of course not.

How am I gonna survive a trip with this guy?

*fast forward to night before the trip.*

•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"Okay kids, now I want you all to sleep, we have to wake really early tomorrow. Goodnight." Jesse says closing the door to Jayla's room.

Jayla had the biggest room and we all decided to sleep together because we were super hopped for our trip, so Javon and Jaden were sleeping on some very comfy mattresses on the floor.

"Okay, goodnight yall." Javon whispered turning around. "So that's it?" Jayla asks. "Yeah, we gotta sleep, you crazy." I whisper to Jayla also ready to sleep.

"Okay then." She mutters back turning her back to me.

There was now that horrible awkward silence that appears when you're trying to fall asleep until someone had to break it.

"Did you know-"

"Javon, shut up." Jaden interrupted him.

"You shut up, bitch. Anyways did you know..."
"I'm seriously gonna slap you right now, Javon." Jaden whisper-screams.

"Can you let me finish please?" Javon continues.

"Both of you, shut up." Jayla whispers to them making me chuckle.

"Did you know, for the last fucking time, sloths don't fart? I wish I was sloth for real-" Javon was interrupted by a loud slap.

"Ow!" "I told you I would slap you Javon. Don't test me." Jaden says and me and Jayla burst out laughing.

We stayed laughing while Jaden and Javon argued until the door to the bedroom opened.

"If I hear you guys again, boys will go to a room and girl to another! Now sleep, or else you won't wake up tomorrow." DJ whisper-yells making us go completely silent and finally shut up.


Word count: 942

Bro. This chapter is so FUCKING SHORT😭😭😭

The next one will be much bigger cuz they arrive to HAWAII!!!
I wish I lived in Hawaii fr, life goals rn.

Anyways, y'all are such crazies hoes. I've got no words. WE GOT TO 30K READSSS!!!!!!!!?

Thank you guys so much seriously, I thought this book was gonna be super shorty but look at that...it's only a tiny bit shitty😍😍



The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now