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•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"Let me in, Harper. Please." Jayla begs from the other side of the door. I got out of bed and quickly opened the door.

"Look, it was not his fault, let him explain..." "I don't care Jayla. It's not like we were dating or something, we just kissed." I interrupt her. "He's really into you Harper." She say sitting down next to me. "Still, I get home to find him kissing his ex." I say back and she sighs.

"I'm sure it wasn't on purpose, just let him explain." Jayla suggests with a calm voice. "I will when I feel like talking to him. Wanna go to the mall? We could get something fun for tonight's party." I ask trying to clear my mind from Jaden. "Random request but sure." She agrees giving me a smile.

"I'm gonna go put my shoes on then." I say getting up.


"So you're telling me that you invited her over to officially end it with her?" Javon asks walking back and forward in my room. "Uhum." I let out while my eyes followed him walking. "And you planned it so Harper wouldn't be here and she wouldn't take it the wrong way?" He walks to the left and stops, turning to face me.

"Yes." I nod. "And you still kissed Ava?" He asks furrowing his brows. "No! She kissed me!" I say. "Well, why didn't you move away? So dumb." He mutters the last part. "I don't have fucking ninja moves, Javon. And she clearly planned it." I say and he nods.

"Then, there's only one thing you can do at this point." He says and I get up. "What?" I ask. "Explain what happened to Harper. And then apologise." He suggests. "Why apologise?" I ask.

"Because if you think about it, it's your fault. I mean, it's always the man's fault. Just go for it. Oh and buy her her favourite sweet or something." Javon suggests leaving my room.

"Thanks." I mutter getting up. I was ready to go to Jayla's room to check were they room when I remember they went to the mall. Very dumb but okay. I'll talk to her when she comes back.


It took long but after some hours I heard the door open. I quickly ran downstairs to see Harper and Jayla. But that wasn't it. They were with Harper's stupid friend group. "Heyyy." Jenna walks in the house and passes by me, going upstairs with Jay.

"Hey." Malachi and Miguel both say also going up the stairs. Harps was the last going and before she could, I stopped her.

"Yes?" She asked annoyed. "We definitely need to talk. Let me explain myself, please." I beg and she thinks about it for a second, finally giving up and going in the kitchen with me.

"You have five minutes, I got more things to do." She says and I nod.

"I called Ava over to finish stuff with her, I did meant to..." "hey Harper, we're getting ready to go to the party. Wanna join us?" That stupid Malachi guy interrupts me. "Yup. Would love to." She answers leaving me alone in the kitchen.

Not gonna lie, that was very bitchy.

"Fucks sake." I mutter leaving the kitchen a few seconds later.

•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

The sunset eventually came and me and the rest of the group were getting ready for the party. "So what really happened between y'all?" Miguel asked. "Nothing. Basically we just kissed it wasn't nothing." I answer opening my eyes wide to put my mascara.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now