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•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"What do you mean? This is our home." I say. "We need to go back to California, Harper." Mom speaks, never raising her voice too much.

"Why?" I ask.

I can't leave this place. I can't leave the Walton's, they're my family.

"Your dad needs to go back and we have a life there, Harps." She answers. "So what? We're just gonna keep moving and moving around until you and dad find a place you like? No! I'm not gonna do that!" I argue.

"Harper, do not be like that. You know we never stay for too long." My dad defends. "Exactly, we never stay. Do you know how difficult it is for me to move from place to place, just so you two can do whatever? My education is at risk, my social life is at risk! I'm tired of this!" I shout.

my parents always do this. Now that I've found a place I want to stay for the rest of my teenage years, they want to take it away from me.


"I have my school, my friends, my boyfriend! I just can't leave them all like that!" I continue.

"Harper, you also have your school and your friends in California and I bet they miss you a lot!" Mom tries to convince me.

"They hate me there! They think I'm just a rich kid that lives off her daddy's money!" I shout, tears swelling on my eyes.

"I know what we're doing hurts, but moving on is part of growing. We will all miss this place but there's nothing we can do about it, Harps. I'm sorry. It's decided." My dad comes to a conclusion and I start genuinely crying out of frustration.

"You can't do this." I spit out.

"Harper..." "You cannot do this! I took my time building a new life here and after what? Not even after a year you want to leave? Just cuz your stupid movie is done and you have nothing to worry about anymore?! Think about others too, for once." I spit out.

"Do not talk to us like that, Harper! We work our asses off so you can have food served everyday and a bed to sleep on! You should be grateful!" My dad raises his voice.

"I would be happy if we could just stabilise our life's in just one stupid place!" I argue back.

"We will come and visit the Walton's from time to time, Harper. We will be fine." Mom says, trying to go close to me to give me a comforting hug.

I stepped away, confused and disappointed with what they just said.

"Don't talk to me." I whisper, quickly wiping my tears away and rushing to my room, making sure I closed to door as hard as I could.

Fuck this shit.


I spent the whole weekend locked in my room with my phone turned off. I didn't talk to anyone and only went downstairs when my parents weren't around, to eat some snacks.

They broke the news to me so suddenly and fast, I dislike them for that.

I haven't seen Jayla and the twins in so long and they have tried to come over by knocking on the door but my parents always make stupid excuses saying I'm not home or something.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now