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•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

It didn't take long for Jayla to get here and when she did, I was ready to start shit with her. Literally, she fucking putted me in a hospital bed.

"Hey." Jayla mutters walking in the room. "Mom, dad, will you please give us some privacy?" I ask making them both nod and leave the room.

"Like what you see?" I ask pointing at my bed. "I'm so sorry Harper..." "Sorry? Bro, you putted my in a fucking hospital bed and only because I didn't tell you about a fucking party!" I exclaim.

"Look, I literally thought it wasn't that bad. And it was your fault anyways." She defends herself. "I'm sorry? How was it my fault? You're saying that cuz you're not the one laying down here, eating shitty food and doesn't remember half of the things that happened this month! Literally, I was just trying to make new friends! I keep changing and changing from city to city, from life to life and you literally just decide to bang my head on a rock! Are you joking?!" I shout.

"I am sorry! I already told you I didn't mean it! I was mad at you and sad that you were replacing me with much cooler kids!" "Oh don't try to be the victim now. You can't be the only friend I have." I argument. "You're not being fair." She mutters. "I'm the one not being fair? Jayla, you literally don't let me have any new friends in this fucking place!" I shout angrily.

Why is she playing the victim when she's the one with the "visitor" sticker glued to her shirt?

"You know you could've killed me right? You could've killed me just because of a dumb thing. And if you did, I would be up there, hoping that every day you woke up with an insane amount of guilt." I say, seeing her eyes swell.

Okay, calm down Harper. She already understood it.


"Harper stop, you don't mean that." She says letting a tear fall. "And who's trying to believe that? Me or you?" I ask calmly making her step away from me. "I'm sorry. Please forgive me." She begs. "Give me my time to think. Meanwhile, don't stay awake at night because of it. I hope you sleep like an angel tonight. Cuz I certainly will." I mutter the last part.

She nods and leaves, trying to wipe her tears away.

Since when are you this harsh with people?!

Since I hit my head on a rock and lost half of the blood in my body.

"Is everything okay between you and Jayla?" Mom asks walking in the room. "Yeah mom, don't worry. She just came to say hello, nothing more." I answer smiling. "Good, we're having dinner at their house today. We convinced the doctors and you are free to go this afternoon. The Walton's figured out what happened and invited us over so we can relax. Isn't that so sweet?"

Fuck me.

"Yeah mom, it's amazing." I say faking a smile. "I'll go talk to the doctors now and when I'm back, we can head home. And if you want we can pass through your favourite take out place and get some food, like the idea?" She asks giving me one of her drop-dead gorgeous smiles. "Sound amazing mom. Love you." I say. "Love you too baby. We'll be back home soon." She says kissing my forehead and leaving.

"Hey champ." My dad says walking in the room. "Sup, dad." I say as he sits down next to me. "You feeling alright?" He asks with a concerned look. "Yeah dad, don't worry. Just... still trying to process what happened, that's all." I say giving him a smile. "Okay kid, I'll leave you here for a bit to sign some papers with your mom but I'll be back as fast as I can." He says kissing my head.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now