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•᪥𝑱𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"Good morning ladies and gentlemen!" Mom screams walking in Jayla's room. "What time is it?" Jayla grunts with her eyes barely open.

"Exactly 4:10 am. Let's go get up!" Mumps answers getting in the room immediately. "Is Harper awake?" I ask. "Fuck off!" I hear Harper's muffled voice.

"Hey, language!" Mom says leaving the room. "Fucks sake." Harper mutters turning to us with her eyes basically closed. "Good morning sleepy beauty." I joke.

"Let's go." Mumps speaks leaving the room. "How do you guys take so long to wake up, honestly?" Javon complains. "Maybe because we're not famous and don't travel all the time, Javon." Harper answers rolling her eyes.

"I'm going with my pjs on." Jayla says and Me, Javon and Harper agree. "No one's taking me from my pjs." Jayla says rolling out of bed.

Javon and I left the room and the girls stayed doing what girls do, I don't know what it is.

Probably their makeup and all.

Why would put makeup on to go into a plane?


"I'm going downstairs to eat some breakfast." I say getting up. "Okay then, I'll go with you. "Javon also gets up and walks behind me.

The girls took basically thirty minutes to get ready and then we all got in two separate cars and got to the airport. We went in and quickly got to our plane, in first class.

"Is that Dwayne Johnson?" People would start whispering and muttering while they saw us in the plane. Even in first class we get this shit? Ridiculous.

I sat down next to Javon and sitting towards us was Jayla and Harper. The parents sat together and mumps was with them as well.

"Isn't it crazy how we're all going on vacation together?" Javon says and we all agree. "We still have some hours and I'm so not tired right nowww." Jayla whines. "How about...we play a game?"

"What like a truth or dare?" I ask Harper, who proposed the idea. "Yeah, sure." She says back and I nod.

"Okay, let me start. Javon, truth or dare?" Jayla asks Jay. "Truth." He says "lame!" I tease. "I'm playing safe, duchbag." He lets out.

"Okay then. Let me think." Jayla says with a smile. "Oh! Uhmmm, favourite sibling. No lying." She finally says. "Ooh, this one's good." Harper mutters.

"Mumps, duh." He says and both me and Jayla roll her eyes. Harper laughs with my movement.

"Okay, my turn, Harper, truth or dare?" Javon asks Harps.

"Dare. I'm not a pussy." She says giving Javon a teasing smile.

"Okay then. Imma do you dirty." He gives her a smile and stops for a minute to think.

"I dare you to the a model runway on the plane,." He says and Harper gasps. "Right now?" She asks. "Yup, right now." He gives her a smile. "Okay. Watch me, bitch." She says getting up with a smirk and walking to the door which leads to first class.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now