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•᪥𝑱𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"This is good  as hell." Javon says with his mouth completely stuffed with avocado toast. "it's really easy to make." Harper speaks. "I could eat this everyday." Javon says again and Jayla laughs.

Harper and I haven't talked since we kissed and she's been dodging my looks. The person who's been receiving the looks that meant for Harper is Javon, who gives me a we-need-to-talk-about-it-later look. Annoying ass.

Once we were all done and the table was clean - we didn't have plates - Javon spoke.

"This was really good so now I'm gonna take a nice nap and then we can continue our great day in the beach." Javon said. We all thought it was a good idea to chill a bit now that the sun is hitting real hard outside and wait a few hours. Javon moved and went to our room. Jayla and Harper stayed chilling in the living room talking about life. Suddenly, my phone ran.

Come to our room NOW.

It was Javon and his annoying ass. I had nothing to do so I got up and walked in my room.

"What?" I ask rolling my eyes and laying down on the bed. "You just kissed Harper and you're asking me what I want? If you want I can go ask Harper about it. Oh, and in front of Jayla." He says pretending he's leaving the room. "No! I'll tell you." I say letting out a breath.

"Go onnnn." He exclaims excited.

•᪥𝑯𝒂𝒓𝒑𝒆𝒓'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"So..." I start. "So? Spit it out?" Jayla says. We were both laying down on our bed looking at the ceiling and talking about random shit.

"For how long?" I ask. "Girl, you gotta be more specific cuz you can be asking about ten different things." She answers. "You and Denise. Dumbass." I mutter. "Oh. Yeah, that." She finally understands. "I already told you. Last week of school." She explains. "Bitch, I need to know everything, details included. If you don't tell me I can just go ask Denise, after all she's my friend." I say and she sighs.

"Sure. So...I didn't even know she went to our school until you showed up. Like, she's cute, so I started talking to her. That's basically it. She would come over and then it just happened. And you caught us, bitch." She says letting out a laugh at the end. "That is so cute. Who knows?" I ask.

"Javon, You and Jaden. And whoever Denise told it to." She answers and I nod.

"Well, I gotta tell you something too." I say and she adjusts to the bed a bit more. "Go ahead, what's up?" She camly says back. "So when you and Javon left to get food...me and Jaden kissed." I spit out and she sits up straight almost immediately.

"You What?!" She shouts at me with a smile. "Yeah but calm down." I say shushing her.

•᪥𝑱𝒂𝒅𝒆𝒏'𝒔 𝑷𝑶𝑽᪥•

"So you and Harper, huh?" Javon randomly speaks. "It was just once." I answer.

"Dude, just fucking ask her out already. What is taking you so long?" Javon says. "I don't know. I honestly have no idea what's keeping me from asking that girl out."

"Then just go for it. And you're lucky we're in Hawaii, this is just the right time for you to do it." Javon says and I nod feeling suddenly confident.

"Yeah, I'll do it. Tonight." I say smiling.

"That's my boy!" Javon exclaims like a proud father.

The boy next door// JADEN WALTONWhere stories live. Discover now