Head Wound

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Deimos punched the agent hard in the jaw. They flew across the room and slammed into the wall. "Sanford! Cmon let's go!" Deimos barked. He spun around to his partner to witness a horrible sight. A Mag towering over Sanford. Everything slowed down. Deimos opened his mouth to cry out but it was too late.
The Mag smashed their hand into Sanford's head. Blood spurted from the wound and Sanford was thrown like a toy. Deimos screamed in horror. He rushed to his best friend's side and began shaking him furiously. "Sanford! San! Get up you idiot! San!" Tears were starting to prick his eyes. No....no.....it couldn't end like this, it couldn't. Deimos turned to the Mag, rage pumping through his blood. He raised his gun and shot a rain of bullets at the beast. The Mag roared and started towards him, but Deimos kept shooting. If Sanford was dead, he wasn't gonna let his killer go free. After a few minutes of struggle, The Mag collapsed, dead. Deimos rushed back to Sanford's side. Blood was spilling all over the ground. Usually, Deimos was unaffected, but this time he felt sick. Fumbling, he reached into his bag and reached for the first aid kit, but nothing was there. His heart sank, shit, did he forget?! Deimos grabbed his headset and screamed into it "I need help! Sanford's hurt! Please come quickly, please...." Deimos could hear the desperation in his voice and silently cringed at how weak he sounded. That wasn't a priority. His priority was Sanford. He pulled Sanford's injured head into his lap and cradled it. "Hang in there San.....help will be here, don't go please...." Deimos was choking on his tears trying to hold them back. He hoped this wasn't how it would end.

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