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Sanford leaned against the wall, the bottle of alcohol empty on the floor. He felt lifeless, just like his partner Deimos was. Every time Sanford thought about Deimos a stab of pain went through his chest. He no longer paid attention to the world around him, he only focused on his loss. His brain was a jumble of unorganised thoughts, mainly centred around Deimos's death. He still remembered what Deimos's corpse looked like. He remembered how he discovered the body like it happened yesterday.....

Sanford burst outside. He looked around to try and spot Hank. No avail. And then he glanced down.

Deimos's dead body lay there, covered with bullet holes and blood. At first Sanford thought that this was a prank, like the one earlier where Deimos put on and engineer's mask and pretended to be an engineer. But this was no joke, this was for real.

"Deimos...?" Sanford whispered. No......this wasn't happening, this couldn't be happening.
"Deimos! Get up!" Sanford yelled, shaking Deimos's body violently. There was no reaction, he just stared at the sky, his eyes were open in shock. Sanford reached out with a shaking hand and closed them, to make it look like he was asleep.

This was a kind of sleep Deimos would never wake up from.

Sanford sobbed, pulling his knees close to his chest. It felt like someone had carved a hole in him. He didn't feel complete without Deimos.

Wait a minute....what was that over there? Sanford looked up. Someone was walking around nearby. He pushed himself to his feet and went to take a closer look. He took a few steps forward and stopped.

He couldn't believe his eyes


Deimos was standing there, looking healthy and uninjured. Sanford called out to him, but Deimos ignored him.
Sanford staggered towards Deimos. He couldn't believe it, Deimos was okay, everything was going to be okay.
He threw out his arms to hug Deimos, only to phase right through him and fall to the ground.

Deimos wasn't real, it had been a hallucination. Deimos really was gone.

Sanford looked at the spot where his partner had once been standing, and then he curled himself into a small ball and started crying.

He just wanted his Deimos back.

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