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"Hey Deimos, I think I saw something outside, do you mind checking that out for me?" Sanford asked. "What's gotten into ya 'Ford, too pussy to look outside?" Deimos teased. "Oh shut up, dingus" Sanford lobbed a pillow at Deimos as the smaller man went out the door.

It was freezing, Deimos pulled his jacket around him tightly and started looking around. It'd be nice if Sanford told me where to look Deimos grumbled to himself. Suddenly, the sound of crunching snow was heard from behind Deimos. He spun around just as two agents burst out from behind a brick wall and shot at him. Shit! I don't have a gun! Deimos thought to himself, and melee combat wasn't his style, but it didn't matter, he was gonna have to try and fight them with his bare fists. He took a swing at the nearest agent, catching them in the chin and knocking them out. Deimos kicked the second agent hard in the nuts, but the third one got a jump on him, he shot Deimos in the thigh, causing him to cry out in agony and fall over. The second agent stood up shakily. "Do we kill 'im or what?" He said.
"Leave him, the cold will get him, little rat deserves it" the other agent said. He slammed the stock of his gun into Deimos's head, knocking him unconscious. "Have fun surviving the cold" the agent said with a smirk.

What happened....?

Deimos slowly opened his eyes. The world around him was completely white. His whole body ached, but especially his head and leg. Deimos slowly sat up, but that only hurt him even more. He looked down and saw blood pouring from a wound in his leg. He quickly took off his jacket and wrapped it around the wound like a makeshift bandage. Bad idea, the cold wind chilled Deimos to the bone. He staggered to his feet. Where was he? Deimos stumbled forward, looking around. "Hello? Is anyone there?" he croaked. His voice sounded so small next to the roaring blizzard. Deimos was shivering violently, he so regretted taking off his jacket. "Hello? Anyone there? Sanford?" his voice echoed around through the wind. Every step was becoming harder to take, Deimos started coughing. He felt so cold.....
He collapsed. Deimos just couldn't do it anymore. He curled up into a small ball, trying to get just a bit of warmth, but there was none left. It was so cold it hurt. Deimos's coughs grew more violent and he tried to drag himself through the snow back his house.

He felt weak. He wasn't going to make it.

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