"How long has it been?"

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TRIGGER WARNING:ED (Eating Disorder)

Anorexia Nervosa:an eating disorder causing people to obsess about weight and what they eat.
Anorexia is characterised by a distorted body image, with an unwarranted fear of being overweight

Deimos stared at the mirror. He hated his reflection. He wanted to stick a knife into it, he wanted to kill it. He looked far from how he wanted to. The main issue was his weight, he wasn't slim enough. Deimos didn't get it. He'd been starving himself for days but the world still wouldn't let him have his perfect body. And he hated it.

Sanford stirred the soup, he'd noticed Deimos's odd behaviour, but had chosen to ignore it, he knew how much Deimos hated people interfering with his personal life. But still, Sanford was worried. Deimos wasn't eating, he usually loved food, but now he avoided the kitchen at all costs. Sanford shook his head. He needed to find out what was up, maybe he could fix it somehow. Sanford walked over to the kitchen door "Deimos! Foods ready!" He called.

"I'm not hungry" said a voice from upstairs. Sanford shook his head and went up there. He noticed the bathroom door was shut. "Dei? You in there?" He asked, knocking. "Yeah, what do you need?" Deimos replied. "Came you come outside please? We need to talk" Sanford said. The door opened and Deimos stood in it. "What do you need?" he asked.

Sanford took a deep breath "what's up with you Dei? You've been avoiding food like it's gonna kill you, why's that?" Sanford asked. Deimos looked nervous "I'm.....just not hungry" he said. "Deimos, it's been like this for days, how long has it been since you last ate?" Sanford said. "It's fine San, you just worry" Deimos replied.
"Days Deimos! Days! You need to eat something or you'll starve!" Sanford cried. "I told you I'm fine, why don't you just fuck off and mind your own business?" Deimos snarled. "You're starving yourself, you imbecile! How can I not be worried?!" Sanford yelled.
"JUST FUCK OFF!" Deimos yelled, slamming the door. Sanford tried to stop him but yelped in pain as the door slammed on his hand. He pulled it back and rubbed it, he was really worried now.

Deimos leaned against the door to keep Sanford out. He didn't get it. He didn't understand, he'd never understand. Tears stabbed at Deimos's eyes. Sanford didn't understand his fear. Not at all.

Author's Note:First time writing an eating disorder, please tell me if I did anything wrong!

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