Presumed Dead

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"Sanford..." Deimos's voice was cut off by violent coughing. The fact that he smoked wasn't helping, at all. He hadn't expected for the agency to set fire to the building, but they did, and now they were trapped inside, left to burn.

Deimos heard some coughing nearby. "Sanford?" He called.
The taller man appeared, running towards Deimos.
"San-I can't-" Deimos coughed violently and fell to his knees, Sanford scooped him up.
"Cmon buddy, stay with me, we're getting out of here" Sanford said.
He started to make his way around the flames, searching for an exit.
Deimos was still coughing, but Sanford didn't know how to stop smoke from getting into his lungs, so he kept going.

"I told you it was a bad idea to smoke" Sanford grumbled.
Deimos tried to say something but he just inhaled a shit ton of smoke and started to cough again.

Suddenly, Sanford saw it, an open window, a way out.

"Hang on buddy" Sanford said as he made his way towards it.

Sanford climbed out onto the windowsill and he looked down. There was a bush underneath the window, but it was a long drop.

Sanford breathed in deeply, jumping out of a window into a bush was going to hurt, but it'd be better than staying in here and burning to death.

"Okay, I'm going to have to jump, this is gonna hurt, but it'll be fine, you ready?" Sanford said to his partner.

Deimos gave a small nod and Sanford took a deep breath.

And he jumped.

And the building collapsed.

What the fuck...?

Deimos was lying on his back, staring at the sky. Everything hurt, and where was Sanford?

The world was blurry and everyone sounded like they had been submerged in water, so Deimos laid still until everything came into focus, but that's when he heard it.

"He's dead, there's no going back in there, the place is ruined"
"What about the other one?"
"I assume that he's dead too, well this ones gonna be hard to explain to Doc".

The words made Deimos's head spin again.
He's dead? Do they mean Sanford? No, no. It can't be... he's not dead, and I'm not dead either, look over here! You fuckheads! I'm over here!

Deimos felt so god damn tired. His energy was fading fast, maybe if he just closed his eyes....

Deimos was looking up at the sky again, but there were no voices, no Sanford, no medics, no nothing.

He was all alone.

He'd been presumed dead.

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