Forced to watch

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"Let me go, you fucking prick!" Deimos yelled. He struggled against the two agents dragging him, but to no avail. He tried to kick one in the nuts but missed and ended up hitting them in the shin. The agent swore and shoved Deimos to the ground. Deimos pushed himself up but the agent pushed him back down. And that's when he saw it.

A crowd of agents standing around a battered Sanford.

"Get away from him, you fucking assholes!" Deimos yelled. He tried to stand up again but he was pushed down again. "I said leave him alone, you fucking bitches!"

One agent drew a sword and pointed it at Sanford. Deimos began to panic "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM!" Deimos yelled. He was ignored as the agent lifted the weapon. "DONT YOU FUCKING DARE!" Deimos shouted as he struggled to break free once again. The agents grabbed his arms and held them behind his back, stopping him from running forward. Deimos looked at Sanford, hoping he would stand up and kick those agents' asses, but he lay on the floor, still as a statue. "Ford! Ford fucking get up! Do something!" Deimos yelled. Sanford moved, hope rose inside of Deimos. Yes! Sanford was gonna kill them! But Sanford just rolled over and stared at Deimos. "Sanford, what are you waiting for?! Kill them!" Deimos called. Sanford smiled at his partner.

"I'm sorry Deimos" Sanford said.

The agent with the sword swung it downwards, and slit Sanford's stomach open.

"NO! SANFORD!" Deimos screamed. He tried to pull away and get to his dying partner, but the agents held him back.

He was forced to watch Sanford slowly die.

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