"Does that hurt?"

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Deimos lay on the ground, blood spilling from his wounds. He groaned in agony, trying to keep himself from bleeding to death. The pain was so awful he could barely move, just lie there and suffer.

Sanford was hopping over the corpses of agents, they really fucked these agents up good. But he couldn't find Deimos. He was trying to keep a calm expression but secretly he was terrified for his friend. What if he was dead? No, he wasn't dead. He was just waiting for him somewhere.....yeah, that had to be it! But Sanford was still worried.

Deimos could hear footsteps nearby. He lifted his head to check who it was. Bad idea, the movement made him cry out in pain, alerting his nearby lover.

Sanford rushed over to where he heard the sound, and his heart sank when he saw a heavily injured Deimos. "Oh my god! Honey!" Sanford cried out in panic. "San...it hurts..." Deimos whimpered. Sanford gently moved Deimos's head to his lap. "It's okay baby, I'm here, where does it hurt?" He asked.
"Everywhere....it hurts everywhere" Deimos whispered. Sanford nodded and went to pick up Deimos, who yelped in agony.

"Does that hurt?" Sanford asked, concerned. Deimos nodded. Sanford sat and considered his options. He needed to get Deimos to Doc, but he was so injured it hurt to move. "I'm sorry baby, but I'm going to have to move you, it'll hurt, but I need to take you to Doc" Sanford said. He gently scooped up Deimos, who winced in pain. Sanford carried him bridal style out of the AAHW base.

"Hang in there babe, we'll get you to safety"

That was the last thing Deimos heard before he blacked out from the pain.

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