Self-inflicted wound

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Deimos drew the knife across his wrist, blood flowed out from the wound and spilled down his hand. It hurt so bad, but Deimos didn't stop. He repeated this process with his other wrist. He slashed at his arms, the blood soaking into his skin. After what felt like years, he finally dropped the knife and sunk to the ground. Tears stabbed at his eyelids, but he held them back. He fucking hated feeling so weak. He felt like he was a let down, a worthless bitch
Deimos stared at the ceiling, drowning in his thoughts. The memories were ever present.....

He was at the agency, and they were dragging him towards the punishment room. He'd fucked up yet again, and they were gonna torture him for it. He yelled out to his teammates, but they just ignored him. They were mad that he'd ruined it for them, they thought that he deserved this.
Deimos felt like he was going to cry, he didn't deserve this.

Sanford looked shocked. He had never seen Deimos like this before, his partner was always upbeat and happy, not angry and screaming.
"Deimo-" "GO AWAY!" Deimos didn't let Sanford talk, he just screamed over his words.
Sanford's kind demeanour finally broke. "You know what? I will, have fun fucking suffering with whatever you're dealing with right now" Sanford snapped, turning and walking away.
Was....this it? Was their friendship over?

Deimos put his head in his knees and sobbed. Both his heart and his arms hurt. He was a fucking pathetic baby.

And he only had himself to blame.

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