No Anesthesia

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Author's Note:For those who don't know, anaesthetics are types of drugs used to sedate someone during a medical operation so that it hurts less

Deimos jogged to keep up with the gurney, with had an unconscious Sanford laid on it. The cluster of medical staff and Deimos burst into Doc's office. He looked up at once. As soon as he saw the panicked look on Deimos's face his own face turned into one of concentration.He took the gurney from the staff. He wheeled it into the surgery room, followed by an anxious Deimos.

Hours later, Deimos was seated beside Sanford, who was lying on the surgery table. Doc walked in, looking incredibly troubled. "What's wrong? He's....he's not gonna die, is he?" Deimos said, worried. "No but.....I've got no anaesthetics, I can't knock him out before the surgery" Doc said.
"'re gonna operate on him while he's awake?" Deimos said.
"'s either that, or we let him die, we don't have much choice Deimos" Doc sighed.
Deimos tightened his grip on the edges of his chair. "Do what you can please, I don't want to lose him" Deimos whispered. Doc nodded and went to fetch his surgery equipment.

"Ok Sanford, this is gonna be painful, you ready?" Doc had all of the required supplies at the ready. Sanford nodded weakly and Deimos braced himself. He didn't want to watch his partner suffer, but he didn't want to let his partner suffer alone.....
Doc pierced Sanford's stomach with a scalpel and he cried out on pain. Deimos flinched, like he was the one being operated on. Doc opened the wound a bit larger so he could pull the shrapnel out. Sanford's agonised cries made Deimos close his eyes. He hated everyone second of this, as much as Sanford probably hated it. Then the begging started, Sanford was pleading for the pain to end, and Deimos felt his body shaking.

He made a silent promise to kill whoever didn't stock up on anaesthetics.

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