Spiked drink

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Deimos sipped his drink. Tonight was going great! Deimos could finally relax and not have to worry about the AAHW and he could spend some time with his boyfriend! Sanford was sitting beside him with a drink, laughing with the people next to him. Deimos leaned across and kissed him on the cheek. Sanford chuckled and kissed him back. Deimos smiled and blush tinted his face. Nothing could ruin tonight, right? While the duo were kissing and flirting, the were unaware of the cloaked figure sneaking up behind them. They were unaware of a hand hovering over Deimos's drink, sprinkling a strange powder into it. But before anyone could notice, they had snuck away and slipped into the crowd. Deimos turned away from Sanford and picked up his drink again, unaware of what had just happened, Deimos took a sip from the cup, and then went back to flirting with Sanford.

At first nothing seemed wrong, but then things started to go horribly wrong. Deimos's speech was starting to become slurred and he was forgetting things a lot quicker than normal. He seemed "out of it" and his breathing was abnormal. "Dei, are you alright? Did you have too much?" Sanford asked, concern in his voice.
"I'm fffine Saanfrd, cn youuuu excse meeeee fr a moomnt?" Deimos said and he staggered to his feet and stumbled off to the bathroom.

Minutes later, Deimos was kneeling in front of the toilet, throwing up into it. He didn't understand, he'd only had one drink, what had happened? He felt nauseous and woozy. He hoped the feeling would knock off soon. But it didn't. It stayed, and Deimos was constantly throwing up until he felt sure that was nothing left in him. He tried to stand up but just fell over, he could barely walk on his own anymore.

"Saaannn" Deimos tried to yell but his voice was too slurred. Panic started setting in "Saaaannn!" Deimos cried out, but the sounds of the bar drowned out his voice. A shadow fell over him, he looked up to see a cloaked figure looming over him. Deimos opened his mouth but a hand clamped over it, preventing him from yelling. Deimos tried to struggle but he felt so nauseous and weak. What was happening?

"I got the target, time to get the hell outta here" the stranger said into a walkie talkie. Deimos gave one last attempt at breaking free, but then the world started to go blurry and black.

"Good night Deimos" whispered a voice.

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