Natural disaster

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It had never rained in Nevada before.

But today it was raining.

It was raining a little too much.

It was flooding

Deimos didn't know how to swim.

He was swept away in the waves, struggling to regain control of the situation. He couldn't breathe, his already damaged lungs were filled with water, choking him.
"SAN-" Deimos tried to cry out but his water rushed into his mouth. He coughed violently.
Deimos was trying to keep himself afloat, but he was getting tired. He just wanted to sink below the water.......
No, he couldn't give up. He still had Sanford to live for. He couldn't go now.

Suddenly, he slammed into something. Deimos grabbed it and heaved himself onto it.

It was the roof of a house that had been uprooted. Deimos clung to it with all his might. The rain soaked his skin. Deimos looked around for any other sign of life, but he was alone, floating on a sea.
"Hello?!" He called. His voice was drowned out by the sound of rain. "Is anyone there? Hello?" He called.
The rain made his voice sound tiny and weak, Deimos hated sounding tiny and weak. He curled himself into a ball to try and make himself warm.

Where am I?

Where is everyone else?

Am I gonna die all alone?

What?! No, Deimos wasn't going to die alone. Someone had to come by soon, right?


It's been days. The water has gone, but Deimos was lost. With no way to get back to the base.

He hated this feeling. He was so used to being beside Sanford all the time that he'd forgotten what it was like to be alone.

Deimos was starving. And tired. And upset.

He just felt like crying. He wanted for someone to hug him. He just wanted someone to show him  affection again.

He'd been washed away and left to die.


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