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Author's Note:oh god I'm addicted to Febuwhump. I'm sorry but I just love putting characters through living hell <3

Sanford sprinted for the door. The Auditor himself had shown up to stop him and Hank, and there was no way he was gonna miss out on getting to kick the leader of the AAHW's ass. He assumed Deimos was already there, since he hadn't seen him, but when he opened the door, he sure did get a shock.

Deimos wasn't fighting

Deimos was dead

At first Sanford couldn't comprehend what he was seeing. Surely it was a prank, like the prank Deimos pulled earlier where he pretended to be an engineer. But he wasn't moving, he sure was committed to this prank.

But it wasn't a prank

It was for real

Sanford knelt down beside his fallen buddy. "Hey Deimos....we have a job to do, get up idiot!" He shook the corpse violently, hoping, praying that it was just some sick joke. No response. Panic set in. "Deimos, get the fuck up, you bastard! Get up!" Sanford was shouting now, and shaking the body more violently. The tears were starting to form. "Deimos please....just get's not funny..." the world around him had gone dark. At first Sanford thought it was just in his mind. But no, the world has actually turned dark. Sanford looked around in confusion, but when he looked down again, Deimos's corpse was disappearing. "No! Don't go!" Sanford yelled, grabbing at it. Too late, it was gone, and he was falling



You're worthless Sanford


Pathetic bitch, you could've stopped this

Maybe if you weren't such a shit runner you could of saved him

Stop it....

Absolutely hopeless

Stop it...

You're an awful person Sanford, and you know it


Sanford bolted awake, he wasn't at the facility, he was in his bed. He looked to the side, expecting to see Deimos cuddled up beside him, but no one was there. Deimos had died months ago

And it's all your stupid fault Sanford

Sanford rolled over and buried his face into the pillow. Sobs escaped his lips. He just wanted Deimos back.....he couldn't live like this....

But the only way to see Deimos nowadays was in his hell like dreams.

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