"Don't leave!"

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Sanford stood at the door. A voice crackled over the intercom. "Security scan complete, you may now enter".

Sanford walked into the prison sector and turned left until he reached the isolation cells. He took a deep breath as he paused outside one. What was he going to say? What was he going to do? Would he try to comfort him? Would he hug him or kiss him or anything like that? Sanford shook his head. Fuck it, he'll just go with the flow. He mentally braced himself and pushed open the door.

He was immediately knocked over the moment he stepped into the room.
"Hey Deimos" he said.
Deimos clung to him, hugging him tightly.
Sanford hugged him back, then let go.
"Deimos...." Sanford tried to speak, but he didn't know what to say. Deimos was in deep shit for that stunt he pulled. The stunt where he attacked and killed several officers.
"Sanford, listen to me, you have to get me out of here" Deimos said.
"I'm sorry Dei, I....I can't do that" Sanford said, shaking his head. "I don't want to get in trouble too"
"Oh, so this stupid organisation is more important to you than your best friend?" Deimos laughed coldly.
"I never said that Deimos, I said that I didn't want to get in trouble, I care about you, but what you did is unforgivable" Sanford said.
"Sanford please, you can't leave me here, they'll do bad things to me, please Sanford..." Deimos looked at him, clearly desperate.
"Deimos, I can assure you that they're not gonna torture or execute you or any shit like that, okay? You're just gonna be down here....for a very long time...." Sanford said.
"You mean I'll be stuck down here for the rest of my life?" Deimos replied.
Sanford mentally hit himself for saying that, but there was no going back now.
"Yes Deimos. It's too dangerous to have you wandering around, you attacked and killed some of our officers, I don't know what's gotten into you, but this isn't the Deimos I know" Sanford said as he looked at the smaller man.
The intercom crackled "Sanford, times up, time to go" a voice said.
Sanford turned to leave but Deimos grabbed his wrist. "Sanford don't leave me! Please don't go..." he begged.
"I-I'm sorry Deimos" Sanford wrenched his hand away and walked out.
"No! Sanford! Don't leave me please!" Deimos cried. He went to run after him but the door shut in his face.
Sanford tried his hardest not to look back as Deimos pounded on the door and begged for him to come back.
"Sanford come back! Don't leave! I don't wanna be stuck here for the rest of my life! Don't go!" Deimos cried.
Sanford walked faster and Deimos's voice slowly began to grow fainter and fainter.
But his words would forever echo in Sanford's mind

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