Won't regain consciousness

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Author's Note:Went for the Villain!Sanford Au on this one heehoo <3

Deimos heaved himself up the cliff face. Sanford stood there, back turned, awaiting him. He turned around as Deimos pulled himself onto the ground. Sanford grinned "about time you showed up, arch rival" he chuckled. Deimos glared at him and pulled out his pistol. "Bring it on, punk!" Deimos yelled. Deimos fired, hitting Sanford in the foot. He cried out in agony and swung his hook at Deimos. Deimos managed to dodge it and went to shoot again but Sanford grabbed his arm and jerked it sideways, making him miss. Deimos kicked Sanford's shins and wrenched his arm away, accidentally letting go of the gun in the process. The pistol flew through the air and over the edge of the cliff. Sanford, now having the upper hand, swung his hook again and stabbed Deimos in his collarbone. Deimos punched Sanford hard in the gut, making him fall over. Deimos went to kick him but Sanford grabbed his leg and flipped him onto his back. Sanford went to pin Deimos down but he kicked Sanford hard in the jaw, knocking off his glasses. Sanford went sprawling across the ground as Deimos jumped up and raised his fists. Sanford was back in the action almost immediately, hitting Deimos hard in the head. Deimos punched Sanford in the stomach again. Sanford retaliated by grabbing Deimos by the throat, choking him. Deimos tried to break free but it was no use, Sanford threw him to the ground hard. There was a loud crack! as Deimos's head hit a rock sticking out of the ground. "Looks like I win today little hero" Sanford said, a grin spreading across his face. "Now come on, get up. Your allies should be here soon". But Deimos didn't move, blood spilling from the wound in his head. "Hey, this isn't funny, quit napping, you know that if one of us dies, the other won't be in business, because heroes and villains need each other, well, it's not like I actually care about you but I still need heroes if I want to make my job more fun" Sanford said, poking at Deimos's body. "Cmon, you heard me, up!" Sanford began to panic, shaking Deimos. Sanford felt Deimos's heartbeat. Thankfully it was still beating, but Deimos wasn't waking up.
Did he accidentally put Deimos in some sort of coma? No, no. That couldn't of happened, right?
Did Sanford accidentally destroy his arch enemy?

He really hoped he didn't.

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