Buried alive

245 8 4

Author's Note:haha the alt prompts 😋

He couldn't breathe

Sanford tried to pull himself up, but the rocks kept him down.

This was a mistake.

He never should of joined Hank's team, if he hadn't, he would still have his old friends, he'd still be happy, he wouldn't be slowly dying, buried under thousands of tons of rocks.

The air was starting to run out, Sanford made one last attempt to shove the rocks away, but they only moved one inch and then stopped. He was trapped. Forever. Alone.

Sanford closed his eyes and tried to imagine his old friends, his mother, anything that would give him comfort in his final moments.

When he was only a child, he and his mother used to go fishing together, maybe that's why he was so fond of his hook, he was always yearning for the past, for something he could never have.

She would make him the best meals, she even taught him to cook, and then when he grew older, he started to make her food. Oh, all the fun times spent over the stove, the fun times he'd never experience again

Sanford's old friends always helped him out when he was in a pickle, like that one time he didn't study for a test and they sneaked him cheat sheets so he could pass. He wished they were still here, so they could help him out of this mess.

Sanford thought about Deimos, the small, loveable little hacker was going to be crushed by his death, well, Sanford was also going to be crushed by his death, but Deimos would be mentally and emotionally crushed, not psychically crushed. He'd probably be crying for weeks to come.

Sanford failed him, just like he failed everyone else close to him in his life.

Oh well, maybe he could make it up to them Purgatory, maybe they'd forgive him for being an awful friend, and awful son, an awful person.

His strength was fading, Sanford was about to find out if they all forgave him, or if they all hated him.

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