Trapped under a collapsed building

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The ground was shaking.

And they were 100 feet in the air, not good.

"Sanford! What's going on?!" Deimos yelled in panic.
"I-I don't know!" The other man shouted.
"Cmon! We need to get out!" Deimos cried, racing for the nearest exit.

The duo ran down the stairs so fast it looked like they were flying, they met no resistance, the AAHW members in the building had probably fled, or they had been the ones to trigger this.

Then there was a crack

And then another

And another

"Shit!" Deimos cried.

The sound of cracking and rumbling was deafening now.

And then the floor underneath them broke.

The next few moments were all a blur, the sensation of falling, flailing around helplessly, trying to find something that would help break the fall, it felt as if time had slowed down, as if they had entered another world

Sanford was soon jolted out of that small world when he collided with hard rock. He groaned in agony and nursed his arm. He'd broken something, he could feel it. The pain was intense, but Sanford used his good arm to push himself up and assess his surroundings.

Bad idea, every joint in him screamed in agony. Hey, at least he wasn't dead or crushed. It would've been better if he and Deimos had managed to get out, but this wasn't the worst case scenario.

Wait a minute, where was Deimos?

"Dei....?" Sanford croaked.

He heard approaching footsteps and turned around to see medics rushing towards him.
They gently moved him onto a stretcher, making sure not to disturb his injuries.
"Wheres Deimos...?" Sanford said.

The medics didn't respond, they just wheeled him away from the rubble and into a nearby vehicle.

Sanford tried to sit up, but a medic pushed him down gently, saying that he needed to rest.

But where was Deimos?

I can't breathe.

Everything hurts.

I'm surrounded by rock, is anybody there? that blood?

Is that my blood?

Where's Sanford?

I can't move, I can't breathe, I can't do anything.

It hurts too much.......

I hope Sanford's okay

I need to get out of here

I'm trapped

Are those voices?

I can't talk, I'm too weak

I'm going to pass out

Someone get me out of here

Sanford was still awake, and the medic was gone, so he sat up one last time, and looked over at the rubble.

The medics had cleared away some of the rock, and some of it was stained with blood. They pulled away some more rock to reveal Deimos, bleeding, crushed by several rocks.

Sanford pulled himself out of the stretcher, but the medic was back, pushing him back down.

"Sanford please, just lay down, Deimos will be alright, I promise"

Sanford tried to push her away, but he was too tired.

Maybe a little rest wouldn't hurt..........

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