Used as an Experiment

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Author's Note:oooohhhhh yeaaaahhhh we're getting into the good shit ohohohohoho yeah we're getting into the GOOD shit

It had been months since Deimos had passed, and Sanford had never recovered. Today he was just laying on the couch, looking up at the roof. " really need to get over him, you're not gonna achieve anything by mourning his death every waking hour" Doc said when he walked in and saw him. "I know, I just......miss him, I want him back Doc" Sanford said miserably. Doc sighed "I'm sorry for your loss Sanford, I truly am, but....I can't do anything" he said. Sanford rolled over and buried his head into one of the pillows. Doc left him to it, there wasn't a point in trying to console him.

"I'm off to bed Doc" Sanford called over his shoulder. The doctor nodded, his nose buried in a book. Sanford walked up the stairs and disappeared from sight. Doc waited for a few minutes just to make sure he was gone, than put down the book and headed for the basement.

Doc unlocked the door and walked down the steps. Once he reached the bottom, he hit the light switch, illuminating the room, and revealing a very battered Deimos in the corner, a shock collar around his neck

"Hey there, you ready for tonight's tests?" Doc sang, waltzing over to a drawer and pulling out a syringe. Deimos whimpered and drew back further into the corner. "Doc please, just let me go..." Deimos said, his voice shaking with fear. "Oh but Dei, you know me, I can't resist an experiment or two" the doctor approached the terrified Deimos. "No ones coming to save you, Sanford thinks your dead, it's a perfect opportunity for me!" Doc said excitedly.

Deimos sobbed, putting his head into his knees. Doc dragged him to his feet and pushed him onto a table in the centre of the room and strapped him down. "Now, let's get started" Doc said, raising the syringe, the signal to begin another night of torture.

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