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Author's Note:Maniacally cackles in I've had this on my mind for WAAYY too long

An explosion rocked the room. The agents rushed in to stop the intruder but instantly met their fate at the hands of Sanford. Ever since Deimos had been kidnapped, Sanfords had to work twice as hard to make up for his missing buddy. He swung his hook, catching agents and pulling them in close for a kill. He ran to the centre of the room and picked up the small box Doc had requested he fetch. Sanford had no idea why Doc was so desperate to get his hands on this box, but hey, Doc had always been the odd one out, this was the least weird thing he'd done. As Sanford headed for the exit, the sound of TV static could be heard from a nearby room. Sanford glanced in and saw a TV turning on. He was going to ignore it, but the image that popped up on the TV made him freeze.

It was the Auditor, standing next to a battered person tied to a chair with a sack over their head. Sanford recognised the person instantly. How could he forget what his dear partner Deimos looked like?

Sanford stared, rooted to the spot. He slowly moved closer to the screen until he was standing in front of it. He reached out a hand and put it on the screen. "Oh Deimos....." he whispered. Then the image changed, the Auditor took the sack off Deimos's head, revealing his bloody face. Sanford's heart dropped into his boots. And then Deimos looked up.

Sanford's heart shattered just looking at the image. Deimos was pleading with him, pleading to be rescued. He looked so helpless and afraid. Sanford had never seen his partner like this, Deimos had always kept an energetic, chaotic personality. What kind of torture had been inflicted on him to break that?

"Here's your stupid box" Sanford threw the thing onto Doc's desk and stormed off.
"Ah thank y- Sanford, where are you going?" Doc said as he saw Sanford begin to arm himself to the teeth. "I'm gonna go get Deimos back" Sanford snapped, clearly not in the mood.
"Sanford, it's a trap, the Auditor will be waiting for you to show up" Doc said, hurrying after Sanford.
"And I'll kick his ass when they do! Deimos is being tortured! And you're just gonna sit back and let it happen? You're sick Doc" Sanford snarled.
Doc sighed "mark my words Sanford, it's a trap". The doctor retreated back into his office, letting Sanford continue preparing.

Blood stained the walls. Engineers and soldats lay on the ground, their bodies covered in bullet wounds. They didn't stand a god dam chance. Sanford stormed through the building, absolutely wrecking any opposition he encountered. He was getting Deimos back, no matter the cost.

As Sanford kicked down another door, he saw a horrible sight. Deimos, tied to a chair, covered in blood.
"Deimos!" Sanford cried. He'd done it, he'd found him, he'd found his Deimos, and now he was gonna take him home. Deimos looked up, terror filled his eyes "SANFORD NO! ITS A TRAP!" he yelled.
And that's when the poisoned dart went into Sanford's chest.

Deimos screamed as he watched Sanford crumple to the ground. He tugged on his restraints, trying to get to his partner, to the man who made his whole life better. A pair of mysterious hands undid the ropes binding him and he jumped up and staggered over to Sanford's corpse. "No please, Sanford stay with me please....I don't want to lose you....please, please..." Deimos begged, tears pouring down his face. He shook Sanford's body. "Please San, just get up, don't leave me!" Deimos hugged his lifeless boyfriend, cradling his head in Deimos's lap. "I love you San....please don't go..." Deimos gently kissed him on the forehead. Silently hoping that Sanford would wake. But this isn't a fairytale, not all stories have happy endings.

The Auditor watched the scene. An agency traitor, one of Nevada's most wanted criminals, crying like a pathetic little baby, begging for his partner to come back to life. He grinned and evil, cruel grin.

"Looks like I win, traitor" they sang.

Author's Note:Hey y'all I have a fun new drinking game! Every time I use the word "partner" in this chapter, take a shot!

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