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Author's Note:This is all Deimos POV. But Deimos doesn't have his name yet

I lay on my side, nursing my wounds. I had fucked up on a training exercise yet again, and the agency didn't like it when agents messed up. They had locked me inside a cage, and they weren't going to let me out or feed me for a week. The agency wanted absolute perfection, but I was the opposite of that. Born defective, I was forced to learn quickly, or else I would executed.

I wished they'd just executed me,the exercises were brutal and hard. On most days I just barely got by, but today I'd fallen short of the goal, and this was my punishment.

The exercise had been group work, so when I had stuffed up, they had all turned on me and beaten me up until the soldats in charge dragged me away and threw me in this tiny cage. I looked up as a group of agents passed the room that my cage was in. I thought they were just gonna walk on by, but they stopped. One of them pointed at me and they whole group turned around and walked through the door. I curled myself into a tighter ball as they all smirked at me. "What's wrong pipsqueak? You sad that you're useless?" The tallest agent teased. His group of friends laughed and I rolled onto my side, facing away from them.

Ignore them I thought just stare at the bars and ignore them


The cage shook as one of the agents hit the bars.
"Don't ignore us pipsqueak, or you can, but then we won't bring you any food~"
I rolled over to face them immediately. "You''ll do that for me...?" I said
The group burst out laughing. "Of course we won't! Seriously, they should of just killed you, you're just a burden to us, idiot, why are they even bothering to keep you alive?" And with that, the group left the room, laughing and slapping each other on the back.

I rolled over to face away from them again. I felt like I was going to cry, I truly was useless, or else I would of completed that exercise without difficulty, and I wouldn't be in this stupid cage.

I sniffled. I just wanted to die and never have to deal with those dumbasses ever again.

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