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Deimos threw a punch at the nearby medic. They dodged it and pushed him down onto the surgery table. He continued to kick and thrash as they grabbed belts and strapped him down. He was panicking, what was going on? What were they doing? He couldn't remember anything....
His whole body hurt. He tried to struggle but that only made it hurt worse. What happened? He try to call out to someone but his voice was dry. Masked faces loomed above him with syringes in hand. One of the syringes went into his neck and knocked him out.

When Deimos woke up, he was still tied down. But the room was empty. He raised his head to look around and recognised he was in Doc's office. But was had made him end up here? Why was no one here? Usually Doc stayed with his patients. What was happening? The door opened to reveal Doc. A wave of relief went through Deimos. Doc would explain everything, right? "How do you feel? Do you feel sore?" Deimos gave a quick nod in response. "Good". Good? What the hell?

"How the hell is that good Doc?" Deimos said. Doc smiled a little. "That means you won't fight back". Deimos felt uneasy. "Doc....what's going on?" He said, his voice hardening.
Doc chuckled. "I'll tell you what's going on, I haven't eaten anything in days, so no one would notice if I knocked you and your friend around a bit, pretended it was an accident and had a little feast when no one was looking?" He said.
Deimos froze up. Him and his little friend? Feasting? "Where's Sanford?" He growled.
Doc laughed, "what the fuck did you do to Sanford?" Deimos growled.
"I'll give you a little hint, he tasted very yummy" Doc said.
"You didn't...." Deimos said. "You didn't fucking eat him, did you?" Deimos said, the panic clear in his voice. He felt sick at the very thought
Doc snickered "of course I did, and you'll make a wonderful dessert"
Deimos began pulling on his restraints as Doc approached. "Don't you dare!" He yelled.

He felt a cloth clamp over his mouth. "Ssshhh, it's okay, just calm down..." Doc whispered.
The cloth had a strong scent, a scent that made Deimos start to black out. He tried one last time to break free of the straps but to no use. Doc smirked as Deimos slowly closed his eyes.
"Have a nice rest" Doc said.

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