"Ill never forgive you"

390 9 16

Hank was a dangerous killer, he could rip someone to pieces within seconds. But right now, Sanford didn't care.

"I HATE YOU!" Sanford screamed at the mercenary. Hank just stood there, unfazed by his rage.
"You used my fucking boyfriend as a decoy?!" Sanford yelled.
"He used me as a meat shield" Hank said.
"Two wrongs don't make a right, Hank" Sanford snapped.
"He's dead Sanford, just get over him already, he's not coming back" Hank said.
"Just get over him already?! JUST GET OVER HIM ALREADY?! That was my significant other! My partner! And you're acting like I should just throw him away and act like I didn't love him?! I'm never gonna forgive you, you piece of shit!" Sanford screamed.
"You're pathetic Sanford" was all Hank said before he turned and left the room.

"Sanford? You in there?"
Doc knocked on the door.
Muffled sobs could be heard from behind the door.
"C-can you just.....leave me alone for a bit?" Sanford's shaky voice replied.
Doc sighed. Jeez, it was gonna be a tough task putting Sanford back together, Deimos's death absolutely shattered him.

Sanford's tears leaked down his face. He buried his face in his pillow, trying to find a way to block out reality.

There was no way this was real, Deimos had to be alive, right?

Maybe if I pretend he's still here, he'll come back to me.

"Are you sure you wanna do this? It's a dangerous proce-"
"Yes, I'm sure I want to do this. Sanford can't function properly without Deimos by his side"
"....what are you waiting for? Start preparing for the mission right away"
"Yes sir"

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