Left behind

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The Mag towered over Deimos's small form.

"The hell we gonna do?!" Deimos called to Sanford.

"Run!" Sanford yelled.

Deimos didn't waste any time, he bolted after Sanford, who was sprinting down a hall.

"We gotta get the hell outta here, there's no way the two of us can beat that thing" Sanford panted.
Deimos nodded and the two ran for dear life.

Sanford looked over his shoulder and saw that the Mag was following, and it was gaining on them fast.
"It's chasing us!" Sanford called.
"Run faster then, dumbass!" Deimos yelled, picking up the pace.

The duo were in an all out sprint as they dashed for the roof.
Sanford kicked down the door to the roof, where the helicopter was waiting.
"Deimos! Get in!" Sanford turned around.

Deimos wasn't there.

What?! But I could of sworn he was right there! Sanford thought to himself. He looked at the helicopter to make sure that Deimos hadn't already climbed into it, not there.
"Deimos! This isn't funny, let's go!" Sanford yelled.
No response. Now Sanford was panicking, shit, where was that joker?!

Deimos cried out in pain as he fell over. He hit the ground with a thud and grabbed his leg in pain. His ankle ached. He must of stepped weird and broken it. He looked over in panic, the Mag was gaining closer.
"Sanford!" He cried. He looked around. Sanford was gone.
Deimos began to crawl, he wasn't going down so easy.
"Sanford! Sanford!" He yelled, hoping his partner would come back. He didn't.
Deimos felt cold fear coursing through him. This is where he dies.

Sanford ran for the door but received a beep from his earpiece.
"Sanford! Get out of there now!" Doc's voice yelled.
"But Deimos is still in there!" Sanford shouted back.
"It's better he dies than both of you die! Get the fuck out of there now!" Doc snapped.
"Are you insane?!" Sanford cried.
"Sanford, I swear to fucking god, if you don't get out of there right fucking now I am not pulling your ass out of Purgatory"
Sanford was torn. He didn't want to leave Deimos, but he also didn't want to die.
Sanford closed his eyes and took a deep breath.

Going back would be pointless, right? Deimos was probably already dead.

Sanford turned around and climbed into the driver's seat of the helicopter.

He would never forgive himself for this.

"Sanford help!" Deimos yelled as the Mag towered over him.
Sanford still didn't come back. He hadn't......he hadn't abandoned Deimos, right? right???
Deimos yelped as he felt someone step on his arm.
"We got one of them" said a gruff voice.
Deimos looked up to see an agent standing on his arm.
"That trick worked a treat" the agent snickered. Deimos watched as the Mag disappeared. It has just been an illusion.
Deimos glared up at the agent and called out for Sanford one last time.
A damp cloth was clamped over his mouth, stopping any further attempts at yelling.
Deimos began to feel drowsy.
Did Sanford leave me behind?
Those were the last words he thought before he was knocked out.

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