Failed Rescue Attempt

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Sanford wiped the blood off his hook. Cloning machines destroyed. He tapped his headset. "Deimos, jobs done, time to go" he didn't waste time hanging around. He wove through the long halls of the base, and then suddenly he could hear crackling in his earpiece. "San! Shit-, I'm being flooded! There's way too many! Help!" gunshots rang out from the other side, followed by panicked gasps from Deimos. "I'm on my way, hang in there!" Sanford barked back. He picked up the pace, killing any agents that stood in his way. "Goddammit, why did I decide to spilt up...." Sanford growled to himself. He dashed around the building, searching for Deimos, but he couldn't find him. He began to grow frustrated and worried. Where the fuck was that joker? Deimos hadn't tried to contact him, could he be...? No, he wasn't dead. He was just fighting off those agents. He was fine. He had to be fine. A cry cut through the air, Deimos! It had to be Deimos! Sanford whipped around and raced for the source of the sound. He barged into the room just as the agent stabbed Deimos in the throat.

Everything stopped. It was like the whole world was frozen. What was probably seconds felt like hours, no, months, no, years. After those painstaking amount of seconds passed, Sanford charged at the the agent, stabbing him with his hook. The agent crumpled, and fell, giving Sanford a full view of Deimos's battered corpse.

He had failed

He failed to save his partner

He failed

Sanford knelt down beside the body. Deimos's eyes were wide open, in a state of shock. Sanford reached out with a shaky hand and closed them, to make it look like he was asleep, like he had died a peaceful death.

But he hadn't

And it was Sanford's fault. All Sanford's fault. If he had just run a bit faster, he could of saved him. If he didn't suggest to spilt up, he could of saved him. He could of saved him

"I-I'm sorry Deimos" Sanford said, his voice beginning to break.

But saying sorry wasn't going to fix this.

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