"Let me see"

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Deimos stared at the mirror. He glared at the serial number on his neck, the only thing remind him of his agent life. If only he could find a way to get rid of it.....

He sighed and tugged his shirt collar up so it covered the mark. Sanford absolutely despised the agency, so if he found out, he'd cut ties with Deimos on the spot. In the kitchen, Sanford was humming a tune softly, cooking a meal. He heard the door open and turned as Deimos walked in. "Ah, hey 'Mos, just in time" he said. Deimos didn't say anything, just nodded.

Hank and Doc were busy, so it was just the two of them. The meal was eaten in silence, with the occasional banter between the boys. "Hey Deimos, I have a question" Sanford asked as they were finishing up. "Sure, go ahead" Deimos said, not really caring what Sanford was going to ask until he said it.
"Why do you always pull your collar up so high?"
Deimos froze. "What do you mean?" He said, trying to keep his tone casual. "Well, I think it's kinda weird..." Sanford said. "No reason, I just like it like that". Sanford wasn't satisfied with the answer, he had a sneaking suspicion that Deimos was hiding something under that collar. "Deimos, tell me honestly, why do you do that?" Sanford asked again. "Dude, I told you, I like it like this, you deaf?" Deimos said, putting his plate in the dishwasher. Sanford put his plate in next to it and stared down Deimos. "You're hiding something" Sanford accused. "Am not!" Sweat was tricking down Deimos's face. "You're lying to me, show me what's under there" Sanford said, all friendliness in his tone lost. "Listen here pal, I don't know what you're problem is, I've got nothing to hide, you just have trust issues" Deimos snapped. "If you've got nothing to hide, let me see" Sanford retorted. "No! What the fuck-HEY!"
Deimos cried as Sanford reached out and grabbed his shirt collar. After a moment of struggle, Sanford managed to yank it down, revealing the mark.

There was a long moment of silence. Sanford stared, and stared, and stared. Deimos quickly tried to pull it back up but Sanford grabbed his wrist, stopping the movement. "You're.....an agent?" Sanford growled. "Listen. I can-" Deimos started.
"This entire time, I've been working with agency scum?!" Sanford yelled. "I'm not scum! I've defected! I changed!" Deimos gave a small terrified yelp as Sanford grabbed his shirt collar and lifted him into the air. "Agents don't change, they learn how to manipulate people who trusted them" Sanford scoffed. "San-please, let me just tal-" Deimos was thrown to the ground. "Oh, little agent thinks he can trick me again huh? It's not gonna fucking work Deimos" he snarled. "Fine, you want me gone? I'll go!" Deimos shouted. Without looking back, he ran out the door, into the wide world beyond.

After what felt like years Deimos finally collapsed from exhaustion. He began to sob, curling himself into a little ball, hoping the world would swallow him whole. Hoping somebody would just come along and end his pathetic, artificial life.

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