"Help them!"

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Author's Note:Since the last chapter was Deimos angst with no Sanford this chapter is Sanford angst with no Deimos <3

Sanford shot the agent through the chest, killing them at once. The rest of his team were flanked around him, killing agents that rushed at them from all around. "The exits open, time to fly!" One of the team members called. Sanford ran ahead of the group, being elected team leader and all. They met no disturbance on their way out.....strange. Usually they had the heaviest resistance during escapes. The door came into view around the corner and Sanford sprinted for it. Just as he was about to run out the door slammed shut, trapping them in.
"Doors shut!" Sanford yelled, turning around to face his teammates. "Wait.....where's Barnaby?"
He looked around, Barnaby was nowhere to be seen. Then he heard a laugh nearby, and turned around to see Barnaby standing with a group of agents.
"Let him go!" Sanford yelled, running towards the agents, preparing to kill them, but then stopped as Barnaby laughed again.
"Oh Sanford......you truly are foolish" Barnaby laughed.
"What's the meaning of this?!" Sanford growled, warning bells going off in his head.
"Well......you see San.....I was never really on your side, I've been working for the agency all along, and I've provided them with all the information they wanted" Barnaby said, smirking. "You've been a useful tool Sanford, but unfortunately, this is your end".
"You're a traitor! You're a fucking traitor! Come here!" Sanford yelled as he lunged for Barnaby. He dodged and the agents moved in to kill Sanford, who was lying sprawled on the ground. Sanford reacted quickly, kicking the agents away and jumping up. "Come one! We've got to find a way out!" Sanford yelled at his team. He ran, scanning the area for a way out. Then he spotted it, an open window. "Come on!" He yelled, climbing out. He turned to double check that his teammates were following
And that's when the building exploded.
Sanford went flying through the air and hit the ground with a hard thud, knocking him out.
When he woke up, a medical team was surrounding him, checking his pulse and injuries. "Don't worry about me, go help the rest of them team...." he said. One medic shook her head. "Sorry Sanford, we can't...." she whispered. "What do you mean?! Go help them!" He yelled. "It's okay Sanford, just don't move we'll have you back at home base soon-" "help them! You bastards!" Sanford yelled. Two of the medics whispered to each other.
And that's the last thing Sanford heard before they sedated him.

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