"Please dont do this"

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Deimos stood and stared at the computer screens. He smiled, just one push of this button and the world would be his.

He turned around as Sanford crashed into the room. "Ah, Sanford, nice of you to show up, you're just in time" he said.
Sanford pulled out a gun. "I won't let you do this" he said, glaring at his ex-best friend.
Deimos laughed. "Have you forgotten? You're in my domain, I rule this place".
Deimos simply hit a button on a control panel and stepped back. The room lit up with electricity, and screams cut through the sounds of voltage.
When it finally died down, Sanford was lying on the ground. Deimos cackled and turned back to the computer screens.
"Why are you.....doing this...?" Sanford whispered, his face contorting in agony.
"Well, you guys never valued me or my skills, and the agency treated me like I was a piece of trash, neither of you noticed what I could do, it was always "Deimos do this" "Deimos do that" "can't you do anything useful Deimos?" "You're pathetic" "stop overreacting Deimos" "Deimos you're the only one complaining, suck it up" nobody EVER saw the good in me! NOBODY! So since everyone sees me as an awful person, and nothing I can do will change that, it's time to embrace that, if you all see as the bad guy, fine, I'll be the bad guy" Deimos laughed.
"Don't....don't do this Deimos, please" Sanford whispered.
"Give me one good reason why I shouldn't" Deimos walked over and knelt in front of Sanford.
After a moment of silence, Deimos burst out laughing again "oh yeah, that's right! There is no good reason!" Deimos stood up again and went back to his computers.
"Deimos, you can't do thi-"
"And why can't I? Stop trying to be the hero Sanford, this world was doomed the moment it was created" Deimos said.
He turned around again and raised his hand.
Sanford tried to crawl forward, but he would never make it in time.
All of the memories of him and Deimos together went running through his head. Them laughing, fighting side by side, kissing. But it was all gone. It had all been thrown out the window.
Deimos pushed the button, and an explosion rocked the world.

It was the end.

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