Blood loss

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Author's Note:Ok, I know this is supposed to be a one-each-day thing, but hidgsogsokdjiehwiwgiwgeue

Sanford stumbled into Doc's office, a limp Deimos leaning against him. "Jeez, what the fuck happened here?" Doc said, looking at Deimos. "Scuffle with a Mag, he took a lot of hits" was all Sanford managed to say. Doc slowly removed Deimos from Sanford's shoulder and laid him on the bed. "He's loosing blood, fast. Get me a cloth!" He barked. Sanford nodded and pulled one out of the cupboard. He threw it at Doc, who caught it and pressed it against Deimos's wound. The thing was soaked in seconds. "Not good" Doc muttered. "Will he be alright?" Sanford asked. "I.....can't answer that" Doc replied. Sanford's heart dropped. "I said, will he be alright?" Sanford dropped his voice, hoping to intimidate an answer out of the doctor, but Doc wasn't phased. "Sanford, I don't know, i can't tell, so stop trying to scare me and maybe give me a hand?" Doc snapped back. Sanford nodded and hurried off to get some bandages.

Hours later, Sanford was still standing at Doc's side. Deimos's body was still bleeding. Doc was trying his best, but the blood just kept pouring out endlessly. "Sanford, you've done your best, can you leave, please?" Doc asked. At first Sanford was rooted to the spot, but then he nodded and walked away. Doc gave a sigh. How the hell was he gonna tell Sanford? Deimos wasn't going to make it. He'd lost too much blood. Doc stood there, there was nothing he could do for Deimos, just stand there. Suddenly, Deimos opened his eyes. "" He mumbled. Doc shook his head. "No Sanford" Doc said. Deimos looked confused, a common sign of loosing too much blood. "San.....for...." he tried to sit up, but he was too weak. "Deimos, you're gonna die, I'm sorry" Doc said. Deimos looked at him, "sa.....n..." was all he could mumble. Doc didn't respond, just opened the door and motioned for Sanford to come inside.

Sanford had Deimos's head in his lap and was cradling it. "I'm sorry Dei.....I-I-I-" he burst into tears. Deimos had his hand on Sanford's. He was fading fast.

"I....l-ove, you......."

Deimos closed his eyes. Never to open them again.

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