Chronic Pain

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Sanford groaned in agony. Deimos was sitting beside him on a chair. "Hey babe, it's okay, the pain will go soon". But it didn't. It stayed. Deimos couldn't even look at his partner because he was in so much pain. After a while, Doc came in and walked over to Deimos.

"I hate to say it, but the pain is going to be sticking around for a while Deimos, he's broken a shit ton of bones and torn quite a few ligaments, this is gonna take months to heal" Doc said, reading off his clipboard.

Deimos stared at him. "Surely there's something you can do, you're the best medic on the team! There has to be something!" He said.
Doc shook his head "I've done my best Deimos, but that's all I can do, I can't just instantly heal all those broken bones Deimos, that shit takes months" he explained.
Deimos bit his lip and looked back down at Sanford and flinched. Sanford looked so weak like this. Deimos looked away again. He couldn't bear another second of this.

Later in the night, Deimos visited Sanford again. "How do you feel hun?" He asked quietly.
"I hurts so fucking much" Sanford whispered "I can't even move without hurting myself more".
Deimos looked ashamed of himself. "This is all my stupid fault, if I hadn't thought it was a good idea to run under all those crates, you wouldn't of gotten crushed, and we wouldn't be here!" Deimos cried.
"Dei, it's not your faul-" Sanford started to talk but was cut off by Deimos.
"No, it's all my fault, I'm such a shitty friend!" Deimos looked so upset with himself. Sanford tried to reach out to him but quickly drew his arm back in pain. "Don't bother San, you're just gonna hurt yourself more, and I've already hurt you enough" Deimos said.
"Dei, this isn't your fault-" Sanford never got to finish his sentence because Deimos had gotten up and left. Sanford sighed, Deimos really needed to be less hard on himself.

Author's Note:Not too happy with this one but whatever ig

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